I’m really surprised no one at the head of each line thought they could use a new car and pulled right into that mess
I’m really surprised no one at the head of each line thought they could use a new car and pulled right into that mess
His first mistake was not naming them Arniibo cards instead
It’s bizarre how a generation or two difference can color our perception of the same event. I shudder to think of what your mom experienced to rationalize that as even remotely normal
Pastafarianism is what you’re looking for there. Also, fwiw, Satanism, Wiccanism, and Voodooism are on board.
Agreed. It was required for my coaching job, and the whole thing felt gross. I get that it’s useful to be able to identify grooming behavior, but still, not fun. Even worse than the ethics and sexual harassment/abuse training from my University job.
What on earth is gif that from?
+1 felonious governor
Dangerously close to Lemoyne Raiders I'd say
Give Shaggy a break, he’s been crouched in a closet without Scooby for weeks
Maybe I should have worded that differently. What’s best is that the whole concept was named “brexit” as opposed to something with gate on the end. ie, before someone came up with “brexit” they didn’t come up with “votegate” or something similarly stupid.
take a scroll down, sadly, they’re not immune
The best thing about brexit is that nobody managed to cram -gate on the end
I stopped paying attention to football a few years ago. As a result, what would have bothered me in the past now holds no power over me. Join me in the light, my friend.
When did they actually use those units?
Semantics, kinda. It’s not that wind chill is specifically for night, it’s just that it specifically only deals with the effect of wind. It doesn’t have anything to do with solar radiation, or your own blood flow and heat generation, or any other potential heating source (or sink)
Amazing what just a little bit of melanin can do in public office.
I will happily volunteer for any of the proposed groups
Ooh boy... That monkey is going to pay
Perhaps a sign and trade?