Maybe the idea is they don’t want to get tagged, but they still get the picture because their friends will recognize them anyway? They’ll know. Their friends will know. The machines won’t know (for now).
Maybe the idea is they don’t want to get tagged, but they still get the picture because their friends will recognize them anyway? They’ll know. Their friends will know. The machines won’t know (for now).
I’m proud to be the shepherd of this herd of sharks
I feel like the fact that it was during a delay raises that age cutoff considerably, but I'm not sure where to place it initially
I feel like there’s a hammock-based solution to this
That seems like it could be an instinctive thing, not wanting to make yourself vulnerable in an unsafe environment
Seconded. I will remember the world music class I took in undergrad to my dying day because of it.
Thank you. I was wondering how he became “beto” and robert>beto just clicked.
nm, late to the party
Well, he is going to be a cop in jail. Maybe he won’t make it to 7 years anyway.
There infrequency gives attacking teams the element of surprise that increases the odds of success, and even if opponents eventually catch on to a team’s tendency for trickeration, defenders would still have a hard time stopping it due to the nearly infinite subtle variations possible.
Look at total, move decimal point one to the left. If they did a good job, double it. If they did an ok job, only add half again. If they did a shit job, stop there. (20%/15%/10%)
you have to keep clicking on the picture, a couple pages in
Ridiculous. Let’s google French Open 2018 and scroll through some images.
Yeah, if we’re to get to flying cars we’d best get to completely autonomous cars first, and then adapt from there.
Along those lines, Trump can’t pardon state crimes, right?
Why? IMO someone in the devil’s advocate role is helpful, either by uncovering legit problems in the your viewpoint, or by exposing the the arguments against your viewpoint as illegitimate. It’s like practicing arguing with someone you disagree with.
A thousand times this. College students look like they belong in 8th grade to me now. It’s bizarre.
Google “Sergio Ramos Mohamed Salah”
unrelated, but what was that in reaction to?
Blago’s out? Shit. I wonder if he’ll try to sneak his name back onto the open road toll signs