Pancake and Waffle is weirdly offputting. Matcha Green Tea tastes like rose water. Everything else they make I’ve liked so far.
Pancake and Waffle is weirdly offputting. Matcha Green Tea tastes like rose water. Everything else they make I’ve liked so far.
What a bunch of clouds
Well...don’t leave us slowpokes hanging...what was it?
But how many of them are good enough to get people to watch on tv? How many draw large enough crowds to get national interest? I think we’re looking at different definitions of “doomed.”
I dunno about that. Boxing requires far fewer people to be interested in participating. Eventually they won’t be able to field full teams unless they contract teams all over the place. Then they’ll be in a similar place to boxing now.
Shortly thereafter, App State released a statement confirming that Brown had directed a derogatory insult at Brown, and announced that Brown had been suspended indefinitely (via the Winston-Salem Journal):
Brown brown brown brown brown?
Yeah, it’s too bad radiation poisoning took down Sciosica. He could have been great
I dunno, are they sufficiently rare/fancy?
Ideally you’d be riding some kind of small dirigible, pulled by a few California condors.
That explains the decision to put so much faith in the Karolyis, but still no explanation for keeping Nassar around. No one’s arguing that it wasn’t an astoundingly bad series of decisions. What I don’t get is the motivation. A gymnastic’s program is nothing without gymnasts. I’m just wondering why they didn’t fit him…
I have a friend approaching 40 with one, and he’s had it for years
Pitt The Elder!
That’s not attitude. That’s an honest appraisal of what it’s like to interact with a police officer today*.
Well, considering how many other medical professionals kept it under wraps, sadly I think they could find plenty to look other other way.
What I don’t get about it, is how did this help them get medals? I mean, there’s no shortage of competent doctors, is there? I would think gymnasts free of abuse would perform better, if anything.
“Exploration is this quest for knowledge. Humans have been driven by it, and that’s why we’re the dominant species on this planet. It’s been, ‘What’s on the other side of the river? The other side of the oceans?’”
They could just put a GPS tag on her, get their info that way.
I DD this in coupe form. Ok mileage, pretty nimble, a few rattles on interior bits but nothing major has gone wrong other than rodents eating wires a couple times when I parked near an apartment dumpster. The most annoying thing has been they lack of rear window wiper, and the fact that my front wipers are…
The jury—which had only one black member among its 12—elected to find Gasser guilty of manslaughter instead of second-degree murder, the charge prosecutors brought.