Pastor of Muppets

What percentage of people do you think are/will be pissed? I’d bet a large majority of people just connect Mach 1 to the speed of sound and nothing else. Consider this, and it makes more sense

I think maybe it’s because we’re never the target, so we have no relevant personal experience. From that, we’re not likely to be evaluating those around us as threats unless something happens first to make the situation seem threatening. does all this get wired up? Do you have to run a wire from the rear camera back to an accessory outlet somewhere? I’m not even sure how I’d get back into my car from back there without making a new hole, but there must be a way if it’s wired, right? does all this get wired up? Do you have to run a wire from the rear camera back to an accessory outlet

Sbarro’s is the longest tenured food option in the food court at the Illini Union. Come on down (up? over? I dunno)

Ronin, specifically

Pretty sure he’s into the plant

I take it you didn’t read what I replied to? Parphrasing

Now playing

you really need to find a way for this to play in the background of every one of these articles

No heat in sub zero weather? That’s a high price to pay.

To infinity and back down again

I have no idea. The first Honda Insights are almost 20 years old now...I wonder how they’re doing. I guess there’s no guarantee they’re all using batteries similar enough to predict degradation from each other’s a pickle.

Battery packs might not degrade quickly, but do people know that? People who are used to their laptop and phone batteries crapping out after a few years? You can’t assume the general public is making a fully informed decision.

Clean hands, clean room to build in. Most plugs will only go in one way, so take the time to make sure you have them facing the right way. Take some time to try to keep the wires clean looking. Proper airflow will keep everything in there happy.
By having the CPU already on the motherboard I think you’ve avoided the

He may have already succeeded. Who knows what subliminal suggestions you’ve received so far.

“An elderly neighbor hit her head on a bike as she fell suffering a massive bruise.”

Quite true. Before the plows get to my street my little civic does half the work for them.

Teds often associate with Bills

Well, she’s an adult now

He’s just got his hood in a twist over not being able to go back to Washington to open a competitor to Comet Ping Pong