No shrapnel though in MB, right? That might change things much clout does an actress need to have before she can ruin someone for harassing her? Does such a level exist?
maybe not overall more relevant, but within the area of shooting other people on the other hand...
Shouldn’t that have been a Cheney joke?
Watching all those cranes in time lapse is like watching a spider wrap something up from its web
I bet Cheney tells people to swear to him more often than Batman did.
Sorry, I worded that poorly. I didn’t mean to imply any weld is stronger than any adhesive. Rather, a layperson who doesn’t understand will think a weld is strong like steel, and a glue is like the stuff in the arts and crafts aisle.
Even if they don’t understand how it’s helpful, I think any layperson can understand a welded bond is way stronger than glue.
I think part of the reason men so frequently go to that narrative is because our immediate emotional response to a loved one being attacked in any way is anger. I’m pissed just reading about it. If it was someone I knew personally...well, there’s a good chance I’d try to murder that POS. I’m honestly getting a little…
You didn’t have bedbugs by any chance, did you?
Ever hear the phrase, “don’t throw good money after bad”?
Well, unless your bed is infested with bugs a spider’s not likely to wander in there to begin with, so no worries.
I dunno. Even if the intent is entirely self serving, it still is a visible reminder to everyone who sees them that they’re not likely to laugh at their racist joke, even if the pin wearer actually would laugh at it. If you somehow got half of white people to wear BLM stuff, how much less casual racism would come out…
Now we see how fancy Kristen is financed
To be honest, It didn’t’ register that it was an NRA hat till you mentioned it. I was fully taken in by the actions he was taking, rather than his appearance.
Honestly, unless that’s pocket change to you, get a shitty used bike for under $1000 first. I took the msf beginner course with my wife and two co-workers years ago. Half of us still ride. It’s not for everyone, so I wouldn’t potentially waste money on new. Buy a used older rebel or something similar, and sell it for…
In rod we trust
Bingo. Who did he have to throw to that was any good? TO’s the only one that comes to mind.
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