Well, they can’t be both. Maybe it was a coin flip?
Well, they can’t be both. Maybe it was a coin flip?
If you aren’t referring to this....go watch this
Someone out there is frantically checking what they did, so they can possibly point out somewhere between 20 and 23 games per month
Np. Hope I’m wrong
But the fecal weight loss of the driver would be countered by the fecal weight gain of the car seat.
Meanwhile the guy on the right is giving me a disturbingly ted cruz-ish vibe
Could you elaborate on “a few minutes to run the wires” a bit?
Could you elaborate on “a few minutes to run the wires” a bit?
One radical fringe that is growing is Mgtow, which stands for Men Going Their Own Way and pronounced MIG-tow. Mgtow aims for total male separatism, including forgoing children, avoiding marriage and limiting involvement with women. Its message boards are brimming with activity from Silicon Valley.
Birds are substantially softer, which may make a difference in this case
If you kick a horse, you damn well better be prepared to be kicked BY a horse
I dunno, I don’t have it. But breathing while feeling like you’re not getting enough oxygen sounds like how I’ve heard it described by both kids and adults before. Get it checked out, and good luck.
Is that asthma maybe?
...where they were sticking labels on engines and attempting to immobilize cars by taking the keys.
Anybody who would consider it so hasn’t been to one, southerner or not. They’d be fools.
K. Kinda irrelevant to my hypothetical question but whatever. If you prefer, I wonder if I would be safer on my bike in full gear, or in this car in shorts and a t-shirt.
Hmm, I wonder if it actually would be safer if you consider I rider in full gear vs someone in normal clothes in that.
Required listening while reading this article