Maybe rather than ask what the term is for a man, simply tell him you’re going to take his advice and follow his example, since he’s such an expert on the topic.
Maybe rather than ask what the term is for a man, simply tell him you’re going to take his advice and follow his example, since he’s such an expert on the topic.
Preferably mix them up in the process
So...calling it “outlaw” is now outlawed. Therefore it is ok to call it “outlaw” because it’s actually against the rules to call it “outlaw.”
“...and some 35-year-olds who act like idiot children”
They don’t get to be heard quite so often, so I can see why they’d be overlooked
If someone puts everyone else’s lives at risk on the road, fuck’em. Knock that shit off. If they want to endanger their own lives only, that’s their right IMO. Sure, it’s damn stupid to ride without a helmet. But it’s every American’s right to be stupid with their own body. If you’re going to make helmets mandatory…
Neutral: Too expensive for me to consider not driving my current till the wheels fall off.
ATGATT, mesh jacket and cracked faceshield :D
Strange....I don’t want an XB...but I want that.
If you really crave the wind in your face, you’ve got two wheels too many :D
I think we’ve just fallen into a semantics trap. My point was that by filling before empty every time, you stop more often than if you fill right at the E every time. The analog to your scenario above would be that if you filled up $4 at a time, you’d stop more often than $5 at a time. Wouldn’t spend more money…
No, you do have to stop more often. Think of it like just having a smaller tank. You’re a little less flexible as far as how far you can go between fill-ups because you (effectively) have a lower total range per tank.
Suppose you would’ve been empty right when prices spiked. Then you’d save money by filling early.
How does struggling with money fit into that? You don’t use more fuel by doing this. You just get fuel more often.
After reading the title, I was prepared to pull out the ball going odd Canseco’s head... But yeah, nevermind.
Lol, if you aren’t physically capable of fielding a bunt, maybe you shouldn’t be playing? Lucky he’s not in another sport.
Grill it? Absolutly
Is it too far from the beginning to consider Bachman-Turner Overdrive?
Long unhealthy lives wouldn’t be bad either