Pastor of Muppets

Man, Caesar’s not going to like this

Sigh. My second car was my dad’s old Infiniti G20. Fun, solidly built, and I rarely saw another Infiniti on the road at the time. Now ruined by young assholes. Shit, am I getting old? Is this how old people feel about everything?

To tie it back to the basketball analogy, you need a 3pt threat to open up space inside.

That ain’t my culture and heritage

I wonder if the obstruction to visibility drives further sales. I mean, it’s not fun to be stuck behind one of those behemoths. Surely some people decide if you can’t beat’em, join’em.

So then the question is, will they go back to Minivans next, or go all the way around back to wagons? Or maybe conversion vans will make a comeback? It’s a brave new world.

It’s actually quite awful in places where they turn them sideways

I’ve never felt so old. I have no idea what the objective in that video was.

Just another face for print media

Have you not seen Fight Club? If not, do so. I don’t know how accurate Edward Norton’s character is when talking about this, but it’s a good movie anyway.

So...this is satire, right?

Craig Meehan was convicted of possessing child pornography which was discovered on his computer during the investigation,[8] but had nothing to do with the kidnapping.[9]

I think I remember seeing something recently that claimed to scientifically prove oil was more or less the same as long as it was certified by whatever governing body certifies such things.

Pirates should have gone with Kodos

Well, considering since buying a house I’ve managed to pay my property taxes every time, doubt I’d get the opportunity to be pissed bad is this crossing for motorcyclists?

While true, imagine the shitstorm if somehow there was a stretch of road that required everyone to ghost ride for a few feet.

I still struggle with Houston Nutt being a real name

So, after some googling I found the text for that 25 year rule thing, and one part stuck out to me...

Good lord, if he crashed my wedding....well, better not continue, lest the black helicopters come for me