
For the next 4-6 months until his ankle fully heals.

Yeah, nah.

Ah yes, all those other $40-45K EVs with 310+ mile range.

Subways are overcrowded and slow, you say? Well, it would seem the mechanism for the solving the problem is right in front of us: congestion surcharge! Rush hour? Double fare! Overcapacity line? Triple fare! Reduce use and raise extra revenue.

It is and it isn’t. They def. are far behind Tesla right now. Come 2023, however, provided that they can come close to Tesla’s EV tech (something that legacy automakers seem to struggle with at the momemt) they would be perfectly positioned to offer people with 5-7 years old M3 an alternative.

Full disclosure:

We recently lost 2007 Sonata V6 (which I thought was pretty great) in a car accident and looked at various replacements, among them Nissan’s and Ford’s sedans. Between mile-high belt lines and bulbous hood, the much-larger exterior dimensions coupled more cramped interior (compared to Sonata, RIP), etc it was a huge

In case of ICE cars though, the vents at least COULD do something. Here, the fake vents are a complete waste of plastic.

So he went from no transmission, electric torque-fill to 7-clutch transmission with pneumatic anti-lag? Talk about 180.

“Listen, listen.... We take the Charger, based on ancient but capable platform.... and make it worse in every way possible. Drivetrain, appearance, all worse. Cool, right?”

This is exactly why a team of people needs to read and approve Elon’s “tweets to be” before he is allowed to hit “submit” button.

Or, here is a thought, a lot of people who in the past had both a truck and car/SUV are taking advantage of the massive improvement in comfort, handling and fuel efficiency and transitioning to a single vehicle (truck) instead, thus actually reducing their total transportation expenditure.

So, we are now going to believe an extensive survey by a large non-profit over the poorly articulated internet opinion strew simmering in the caldron of per-conceived notions, variably false extended family anecdotes and vague recollection of... CR quality servery from 20 years ago?

No one is worth $14 million to any one company.

Firth Gear: Huh? Volt is/was better than Prius in almost every consivable way, esp 2nd gen ones. The fact that it was massively outsold by inferior Toyota is case study in shitty marketing.

Agreed, it’s nigh time the tech-dude-bros gather up their kale soy shake lattes and slink back to Stuttgart to work on raw honey powered cryptocurrency or some shit.

We were subsidizing those jobs. The city was paying for those jobs. Frankly, if we were willing to give away $3 billion dollars for this deal, we could invest those $3 billion in our district, ourselves, if we wanted to. We could hire out more teachers. We can fix our subways. We can put a lot of people to work

As opposed to the person he is replying to?

I am guessing because TAM for 1/2 ton truck in F-150 class >>> Offroad oriented Jeep-like EV tuck.