
Considering that Saudis have funded thousands of madrassas all over the world that radicalized countless millions, I would challenge that assessment. We have absolutly zero moral highground in the ME while preaching democracy and freedom out one side our our mouth while kissing up to a authoritarian, kleptocraric

What you are quoting is feedsotck price, which far removed from the actual production price (the equipment needs to be purchased and maintained) and miles removed from the realistic retail price, no pun intended. One kg of hydrogen != automotive hydrogen, which needs to be compressed to 3000-10,000 PSI to be a useful

If you think that limited public resources, such as parking, should be indefinitely reserved on first-come-first-serve basis “because public”, you are a walking, talking tragedy of the commons/idiot.

Is it though? The car in your picture is Carrera, while the car in the first picture looks like Turbo S, which has both notably wider hips and tires.

Are you also somehow a strong believer hydrogen and believe it should what we should definitely transition to in YEAR(NOW()) + 10 and had lost a favorite family dog when she fell into a panel gap?

If you somehow combined a crack rock the size of a large planet with pipeline capable of channeling all the ocean currents and rivers combined, you may, and I mean may, begin approaching the crack pipe magnitude to what is being displayed here.

No one (at least not here, if you go down short seller rabbit hole far enough you’ll learn that Tesla only ever made 179 cars and SpaceX faked all their launches) is claiming that they didn’t make the cars they said they did, rather that they were knowingly promising to make some of those cars during the time they

When certain people say “Tesla’s doomed as soon as established manufacturers slap together some EVs” they compactly ignore the fact that their drivetrains (motors-controllers-batteries) are far and away the most advanced and everyone is else is 7-10 years behind at this point. Those billions of dollars and hundreds

The front looks like a combination of pig snout/butt/Hitler mustahse, that is, somehow, even worse than this blend sounds like it should be

Equtable road tax is a good idea but the suggestion above is stupid.

In all fairness, it’s more like two-plus years of (pre)sales that are finally turning into deliveries. 

If you are going to live in a fantasy world where fully imbedding a wheel within the bodywork with no clearance on any side is actually a possibility as opposed to a feature that would completely destroy the car in 3 minutes of real-world use, why not go all out and draw a flying car powered by generous onboard supply

How many African-Americans who voted for Obama did NOT vote for a white woman with near-identical political platform?

I think everyone would have been better off with Musk limited to a role of CTO, where he can work on tech and let financial professionals run day-to-day. Oh well.

Somewhere in the top-10 there is also US Navy’s Army’s Air Force, aks Marine Corps air assets.

1) I didn’t realize I haven’t hit submit a couple of hours after typing up the reply... by the time I did I should have gone back and checked if anyone else has responded.

1) “The car, which is powered by four electric motors and contains a four-stack hydrogen fuel cell, started at speed but appeared to encounter technical trouble at Stavelot corner before returning to the pits to complete a fuel stop demonstration.”

So it’s a scam, on top of a scam, wrapped in a scam. Basically, it’s scams all the way down.

When people ask what Tesla does with all that R&D money, E-tron and recent Daimler half-backed reveal are the perfect illustration.

Depending on whether you get your hydrogen from steam reformation or electrolysis, a hydrogen car is versatile enough to be either a really inefficient fossils fuel-powered vehicle or a really inefficient electricity-powered vehicle.