
ib4 Clip-Vs-Magazine guy.

Wow, going in production in 5 years? It’s practically here!  

It would be one of dumbest things if the new mail truck is NOT EV. Predictable, repeating routes that can be addressed with right-size battery configuration. Low speed/high torque operation. The constant start-stop where regen brakes saves mechanical brake life and recaptures the energy. Set spots to park/charge every

Tesla’s name for this capability is frankly ludicrous - it is NOT an autopilot by the definitions that have been accepted for decades - and led directly to deaths and accidents due to those who believed the hype and didn’t read the manual.

I do... <HORN> ..n’t kno... <HORN> ..w wh...<HORN>..t you <HORN> Are <HORN> talk...<HORN> abo...<HORN>..ut <HORN>.

In after:

$400,000? Where in the world did you get that number, pray tell?

I am a huge proponent of BEVs, but I will admit that as far a pollution reduction and genera availability, natural gas (and to be clear, that’s what he is talking about, in Russian “gaz” is always natural gas as opposed to gasoline which is “benzin”) is pretty good automotive fuel. It’s abundant and quick burning,

Oct 1977 state of the art: 54v * 330 Ah = 17.8kWh. 1,305lb 0.0136 kWh/lb

In addition to Bacon’s point (you really want to charge/discharge a large number of cells a little bit each rather than a small number of cells by a lot to prevent current overdraw/thermal management issues with individual cells), you also need to keep in mind that they want to sell to many customers with varying

I believe Elio has spent over a hundred million dollars on R&D (or at least claimed that’s what the money was spent on) and yet has never, ever managed to successfully demonstrate a vehicle capable of matching their claims to an independent third party. Considering the company and founders extremely unremarkable

Why, is there high demand for large RWD SUVs/Crossovers? In fact, are there ANY?

Faraday also cut a check for $16,200, thus returning all the incentive money that it had received from the state.

Building a sealed, elevated, near-vacuum pipeline with rails inside of it is easier than an elevated rail without a sealed, near-vacuum pipeline around it? How?

In the article itself:

No one’s body was “held hostage”. They are not a morgue that misplaced a body.

I read the article just fine. The contract was between the company and the airport. She is in no way whatsoever a party to it. If someone kills themselves in a remote corner of your property, only for their family later try to sue you, it wouldn’t make sense to you.

Wait wait wait. Her husband killed himself on THEIR property, which is both highly inconvenient and mentally damaging to the employees having to deal with the aftermath of his actions. Now they would owe his wife a settlement for...? What contract did she sign that was breached?

Not to mention, people don’t enjoy high (10+) g-forces that are an inevitable byproduct of effective high-speed travel: to maximize the utility of high-speed transportation system you need to be traveling at maximum speed as much as possible, which means rapid acceleration/deceleration. Consumer goods, on the other

This solves one of the biggest problems with system cost and safety: passenger capsules. Fun fact: a vehicle operating in near vaccum of the loop tube might as well be a spaceship, with a need for its own air supply system/treatment plant. A tiny puncture will very quickly leak air due to enormous pressure