
So to be clear, the “funny” part is that people who think that environmental impact of cutting the lifetime resource utilization in half are the “idiots” here?

It also doesn’t account for the cost of powering Anti-Rabid-Flying-Monkey Force Field and a whole slew of other imaginary problems.

You misunderstand, there is no evidence Roman doesn’t want to cook meth.

Citation needed.


$370 million of that has been earmarked for non-functioning electric spacecraft to be unveiled at E3.

Well, obviously. She is not just gonna hand them over.

“Person with only cursory interest an endeavour tries a specialized tool designed specifically for the aforementioned, is not impressed.”

Tag line: “ Tripple-F Will Fill Your Autonomous Mobility Gap.”

Few thousand? Lol. Let’s play this game. Go to a streets of a capital in any Western country, pick a corner and yell: “Religion is a fraud and there is no god”.


I am extremely disappointed that this so-called “comprehensive falconry package” seems to be lacking the essential freezer compartments to store the trophy eyes and ears of escaping slave confused guest workers my falcon has been expertly trained to retrieve.

Charger Hellcat? Charger Hellcat.

The vagon recondition is especially apt. Everyone knows that little kids really into sleek sports cars and 40-something professional just crave the shit of vagons, unlike 20-something “don’t-call-me-hipster, you-are-not-even-using-it-right, man ” auto-hipsters.

After trying to think of something positive to say about the departed, I think I finally got it:

The timing of this post could not be better, because this week I’ve ran into two rare-round-these-parts i3s, one parked and one driving alongside me (could have been the same one,lol). I am a huge proponent of BEVs... but even with my appreciation for the technology, I just could not prevent myself from cringing. It

I am glad they left that scene out of the Training Day.

But this video shows that the new GT feels more like a purpose-built racer than many other high-end supercars, with their plus interiors and luxurious trappings. Not here. The GT is low, wide, mean, built like an airplane and loud as hell. And it’s more at home on the track than the road.

What if the animal died of natural causes? Or was killed in self-defense? Or was a serial killer, brought to justice and executed after a fair trial?