
If there is any silver lining, it’s that Manor Racing is Not Going To Suck This Year.

A division with “Dick Crappy” as general manager has failed?

What if you are a huge Biggie fan?

Quick question for the readers: does anyone besides a few six-year-olds ever contemplate the reality of the Cars universe?

Because Honda is half-assing it, not able to relinquish hope that California will spend $5-10 Billion of taxpayer money to build hydrogen station and help them generate some sort of return on the billions they sunk into personal automotive fuel cell R&D.

Don’t worry, once you get there it doesn’t take more then a couple extra to make you realize that your cousin is not the dating material but purely a “hit-it-&-quit-it” play.

Holy crap, it’s been years since I’ve been so pumped for an F1 season!

Unfortunately, I am in NYS; I just don’t sleep. Thanks for the thoughtful response, as I said I will def. give Terrell another look as things settle down. It might still not be my cup of tea but as you noted there are plenty of other outlets that may fill what I am looking for (I already visit the usual litany of

While we might have to agree to disagree as to what constitutes a narrow focus, I have read every single one of Terrell’s post through today and 75-80% (my approximation, I can get the exact count if you’d like) have been solidly of Cold War-redux Russocentic variety.

Honestly, it has nothing to do with Trump, who I do not support (feel free to examine my comment history). Who are the “you folks” you are reducing me to, exactly?

I am not sure I follow. Why wouldn’t I be reading the comments? I am not fake rage-quitting an anime message board, I simply stated that in its current form I find Foxtrot Alpha lacking the content that interests me. I read this article prior to forming this determination, so that’s done; I am interested to see what

A little context here is important. Of course, U.S. military officials know the Minuteman III needs to be replaced and that the Russians are constantly modernizing its nuclear weapons arsenal. But the reasons why the Kremlin will get the Sarmat in service so quickly has much to do with how Russia and America’s

Yeah, but at glacial speed.

The Bolt testing timeline comparison is a false equivalence that’s a favorite of SA shorts but holds no water. Bolt is GMs first fully electric production car on a brand new architecture. Model 3 will leverage extremely well-developed platform/architecture that is currently in mass production. Apples and watermelons.

Safe? Great interior? Good gas mileage? Kind of Cool?

Seconded. In the Southwest, where people actually jump dunes every weekend, it might be a problem; here in the Northeast, where the extend of most grueling off road adventures for most owners seems to be traversing 100-yard gravel road to the lake house, there are quite a few barely broken-in specimen about to be

I want you to design and make a car that no one else wants because if you make more than 5 it will be “too mainstream”. In exchange I will give you all the lint in my pockets and or navel.

Great point, although as potentially undesirable and troublesome as this intermediary stage appears to be, it’s largely an unavoidable step on the path to what you correctly idefified as optinal end result:  two fully separate, distinct classes of personal vehicles.

Take 5 per-teens to and from a hokey practice across town using public transportation and get back to me.