
He needs to lighten up and learn to take a compliment, most men would love to be getting this kind of attention.

He should smile more, and learn to take a joke

I like Henry Cavill, but I’m worried that he’s too emotional to handle a leadership position (especially at a certain time of the month).

I remember the first time I ate at In-N-Out after having it hyped up so much that I was expecting a transcendent experience. And those fries were just such utter garbage it was a shock. Was everyone insane? Was there crazy powder in the secret sauce? I consider the fries as part of the overall experience of the meal,

I am, it should be said, an outsider critiquing a Southern California institution many have grown up with,

It would never occur to me to ask them to be well done, either, partly because I never been to an In-n-Out where the line wasn’t at, if not out, the door. Post-lunch, senior dinner special time, later, it doesn’t matter. The locations where I’ve lived were always hopping.

It’s not so much about him as it is about a pattern of corporate behavior that suggests those who have real power within Acti/Blizz prefer a climate of fascism and authoritarianism. Hence, collecting a group of nefarious individuals (i.e. a former torture apologist being responsible for ‘compliance’ seems dubious)

I mean, they’ve probably already printed and sealed cards for this set already. I doubt they’re gonna delay an entire release because of one card, and they weren’t ever gonna reprint this specific card ever again.

yes, Nicol Bolas has been the major villain of Magic for over a decade up until his defeat in the story sometime in 2019. he actually first appeared in Legends way back in 1994, though back then he wasn’t really anyone specific. Crux of Fate actually depicts a very specific part of his story, the other dragon is Ugin,

Nicol Bolas is the original Dragon legendary. It’s also not the first time they’ve referenced this bit of art on a card (though more likely this later one was copying the older card which copied him), though at this point I feel it’s a bit late to complain about it. Link to the card from 4 years ago that was a much

it’s still that person’s original work. he might not own Nicol Bolas, but he still drew that art himself.

How does copyright work when a company steals fan art of a character they own? 

Should have waited until after release to expose them. Not a lawyer but if they change it or hold back the offending card I assume it would make any chance of securing a bag much harder.

This is correct. They was referring to the actual people in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The story of Isiah Bradley was, in my eyes, a commentary on how there are so many notable Black men and women across history who’s stories are forgotten and sometimes never even told. 

In the comics, Isaiah Bradley was the result of a program that was basically Tuskegee But Super Soldiers.

White people, even with objective evidence, will go racist because it’s inherent.

I’m sure that their racism has played no part in previous interactions with this student or others.

I would modify your comment above from “there are certain educators who have no business teaching Black children” to “there are certain educators who have no business teaching. Period.”

So, this “science” teacher, after reviewing all the available evidence around her, came to assert the hypothesis that black children have special training in how to lie and therefore do it all the time?!?

So l, the teacher is gone. What are they suing the district over? Did they refuse to deal with the situation prior to the resignation or something?