
While big, white balloon is certainly an apt description, I don’t know that we really need to body shame this woman, even under the supposed cover of repeating comments about her large, empty (and partially-deflated looking) head.

Can I start a class action against him and WWE for the lie that he’s a wrestler? He’s the definition of the pejorative term “spot monkey”.

I mean you first clue was that he is a police office in Texas. 

Absolutely not. They should be *encouraged* to sue each other into the fucking ground.

There are no good people involved in crypto or NFTs. 

This is not true. Especially shops from immigrants offer much better and fresher ingredients for cheaper prices and it should not be asking too much to support those shops. And you can also live a life completely WITHOUT consuming bread and live healthy. Maybe you should try this.

The same CDC dataset cited noted that 42% of Americans are obese, a number that doubled since 1990. Not overweight: obese. 2/3 of adult Americans are now overweight. But I’m sure I’m in for a lecture or my post will get deleted for noting this.

Again, why should they have to for a bullshit language made up by the company commissioning these

I’m hearing absolutely spectacular things about this game.  Hopefully the gamepass release means people will actually play it and it doesn’t go the way of Sunset Overdrive.

Y’all are missing part of the story. It’s not the court hearing that resulted in his firing — Cartoon Network has been well aware of that for a couple years now — it’s the revelations that Roiland reaches out to underaged girls on social media in hopes of sexual encounters.

Expectation: You found six people on Twitter with a fetish.

Im not an advocate of violence but if “meta-comedy” were a living thing i would be morally obliged to kill it dead.

Remind me of when us anti-R&M folks got aggro with McDonald’s workers over dipping sauce.

The idea of a game which mocks you, the player, for expecting a traditional structure while also playing out a traditional structure (but also saying “fuck you!” throughout) sounds just… kind of annoying. It sounds extremely Justin Roiland being proud of himself for making a fart noise and doing his one voice again.

I guess I need to have a high IQ to understand the comedy of this game.

So, just like all of Roiland’s other stuff, it says “hey, guess it’s time to do this stereotypical shitty dumb thing”, then it does that same stereotypical, shitty, dumb thing the same way every other tv show/game has done it, but because it says that it knows it’s a stereotype it’s all of the sudden an insightful

That’s fair. It was certainly about race in that sense.

Didn’t the Holocaust target homosexuals, Catholics, “mental defectives” and others? Are these considered “races”?

Lanez is an idiotic excuse for a man. I guess Drake is ride or die out of “Canadian solidarity” plus being trash on principle.  Dumbass.