
1 is a lot more likely than 2, but they’re not mutually exclusive by any means. Either way, not giving him further attention is the right move, for sure.

He’s been on Info Wars. He’s a troll who wants to see the world burn.

This is the deepest I’ve seen anyone drill into a one-centimeter thick iceberg.

Less articles about weird antisimetic kid, more articles about Flute Guy

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand someone can punch him in the face anytime now...

I don’t care about a kid running on stage and making a dumb joke. This is a catastrophic failure on the part of the Game Awards. That they don’t even know their guests well enough to know if some random kid yelling into the mic is worth cutting back to is pretty indicative of their actual care about the developers who

Oh Ms Swan... unfortunately skits like this wouldn’t be allowed to exist in today’s overly sensitive cancel culture world.

He’s very obviously a right-wing troll and honestly it’s stupefying anyone is acting otherwise. Their whole tactic is to look like they don’t believe in anything seriously so when they get on a mic and make a “joke” that came from the bowels of QAnon/Pizzagate brainrot every is too busy discussing “but what do they

So you’re just trusting this kid who was on Infowars and made a joke about Bill Clinton being a rabbi isn’t some right-wing troll/antisemite because Jason Schreier interviewed him and said he got Jew vibes from him? Alright. Case closed I guess.

He look-a like a man.

It’s basically this - Actors who are now too old or washed up get to relive their youth by voicing younger versions of themselves in this new game.

I don’t mind celebrities showing up in a game, but when the marketing is all about the celebrities and nothing about the game itself, it’s because they don’t have a good game to show you.

Always love how these hypocrites always claim marriage as “sacred” and then shit all over the “sacredness” with the highest cases of infidelity and divorce, yup real sacred there guys. 

Lol the random kid who snuck in with the ER team.

five episodes into the season, we get a Jerry Springer segment

“See? We’re not completely racist”

Gonna need a swordsmith to polish up the Masamune they’re using to split hairs like that

Um, I do not see Rakim anywhere on this list.

The shitty thing is that when even Nintendo exclusives run like crap on the Switch


Exact same boat here with the only caveat being that I play in handheld even less than you. Like near 0%. It’s great that Nintendo’s got strong third party support again. But if I’ve got the choice between playing something like The Witcher 3 on the switch or literally any other platform I’m going with the latter. I’m