
Thats absolutely not the criticism being levied though, I’ve seen this sentiment echoed for a lot of these reviews and it strikes as incredibly shallow and dismissive, the problem isn’t and never was that bisexual women exist, it’s that bayonetta ending up with Luka, and her and Jeanne have a pretty unceremonious

A tester, eh? Well you’re to blame for these massive bugs I found in the game, then, I take it???

Good for you. Countless people don’t make $4K in two months of physical labor.

Welp, off to my mandatory 4pm Meta meeting!

conformists who equate ironic consumption with nonconformity

to the sorry adults ordering this shit, ya basic af, this is some real conformity marketed as nonconformity shit

I’m 35 and I have no idea why people my age would love this kind of thing.

I didn’t expect them to buff Sombra so much.

ah crud and we haven’t even seen his teeth yet

Chris Pratt deserves a frumpy Mario.

Honestly, I haven’t enjoyed a handheld console since the PSP *until* the Steam Deck, and now that we have that I’m wondering whether I’ll ever want another. Hell, I’m playing my PSP games on my Deck... and Nox, and Morrowind, and Grim Dawn, and Rimworld, and Project Zomboid, and Kenshi... why would I ever need a new

Twitch, the home of Pedophiles, Rapists, Racists, Sexual Harassers, Groomers, Drama, and sometimes game content I guess.

Exactly. Anything I like isn’t political. Anything I don’t like is political. Like saying Let’s Go Brandon or Fuck Joe Biden isn’t political. Saying racism is bad or being gay is political. Why is that so hard to understand?!

It is becoming more dangerous to read books broadly, but this has been a message from within conservative fundamentalist/evangelical churches for a very long time - so this current confluence of banning books, mocking those that read, or questioning what you read is not surprising given the rise of authoritarianism.

Yeah I went to school with people who said reading was for dumb people.  A lot of them are dead now, overdoses mostly.

Literacy is paramount. Turning anti-literacy into a “counter-culture virtue” is demagoguery. Especially for someone who purports to support youth education via a private school. Absolutely ridiculous.

Mock all you want, but or me there was an upside of that gorgeous tapestry of atrociousness, the threads of idiocy, stupidity and complete lack of self-awareness woven together in such a way that they created a gorgeous abomination replicated as a pile of shit. Just beautiful...sniff sniff.💧💧

“Reading doesn’t make you smarter...Can you learn things by reading? Sure.”

Fuckin how can you claim credit for starting a SCHOOL and then brag about never reading a book?