Based on the header photo alone, and not reading the article, I’m going to believe that Matt Damon has an evil twin that specializes in cheating at chess.
Based on the header photo alone, and not reading the article, I’m going to believe that Matt Damon has an evil twin that specializes in cheating at chess.
That’s because it probably IS an unofficial marketing campaign. The publisher is in a difficult place right now, to put it mildly.
Well, you’re certainly making a case.
Considering the worst thing about social media is that it causes people to regress into their middle-school selves, where their snippiness and shitheadery is rewarded and their nuance is drained through the floor, I’d say your comment is a pretty good indication that they’re right.
A much more representatively crisp moment from the game, but so dark it’s hard to make much out.
“I am a developer for GTA VI”
Rockstar once again in the news thanks to hot beverages
Part of me wishes Rockstar would come out and be like “well now that its been leaked, we’re cancelling GTA6. We hope you’re all happy with yourselves”. But the only company petty enough to do that is Nintendo
I understand if this gets some kids excited for a few days. But there’s much bigger, more significant things to be bragging about. If one has these skills, there’s some seriously bad/important/valuable stuff that could be brought out to light.
#1: The guy he partied with isn’t just any guy.
Step 1. Post something hateful, stupid or both on social media.
“I failed to read this room right”
Seems like a waste of hacking time and skill. There are so many other things that I’d rather see exposed than some game I’ll see eventually.
why are you so angry lol
You asked why, I told you why.
Because the series was never called “Yakuza” in Japan. It’s called Ryū ga Gotoku, which seems to mean, you guessed it... Like a Dragon.
Oh shit, it’s a modern day Dragon Quest - becomes - Dragon Warrior in the west for no reason - becomes - Dragon Quest again situation.
Seems Sega did something the Japanese police can’t & got rid of the Yakuza.