
It’s not a fad!

Your entire life has been lived as a pathetic right cunt.

No surprise. Just watch some of the old promo videos. I guess everyone forgot how hideously annoying and focus-grouped the protagonist is... Good riddance!

Most voters do not have even half a brain. You answered your own question.

Are you kidding? Trump has an endless supply of material for the media. They’ll be lucky to keep up at this rate!

Send my portion of that bill to third party voters and non-voters. 

+1 coin in the troll collection plate

Not only would they not forgive her for that switch, she would be branded as two-faced, unreliable, wishy-washy, etc, etc, etc. One thing I know about deplorables is that once you pick a side, it’s fucking treason to switch for any reason. You pick a side and you die with it with the binary-thinking populace. They

So much butthurt in these letters from being called a deplorable. 

new to Deadspin, eh?

So basically you’re just a garden variety cunt then.