
This article epitomizes the problem with publishing on the internet. You can’t wipe your ass with it. 

Rethink your vernacular? I’ve little doubt that clueless SJWs will eventually so tie themselves up in politically correct speech and actions that they’ll be able to do little more than lie in bed twitching with their tongues clamped firmly between their teeth less they say something that someone might construe as

So is the State Department with their racist travel advisories.

I remember well when Child Protective Services took our seven children away for two weeks because we had given a homeless woman free room and board and when we asked her to leave she accused us of child abuse. The point isn’t that people can be vicious and evil, but rather that we paid a very real cost for our

Per Harvard Politics automation competes best against those within one standard deviation of the mean for IQ or lower (<=115). In what is postulated to be an ‘automated economy’ where only 20% to 25% of the populace are expected to be gainfully employed it is reasonable to expect tremendous societal disruption and

What you don’t grasp is that 64% of working Americans earn $20 per hour or less and that an estimated 83% of them (per Barack Obama)...

I don’t like the necessity of paring down the immigrant population in the United States but having read Obama’s 2016 Economic Report of the President I understand the impetus behind it. For quite a while the United States could afford to be the Battered Woman’s Shelter of The World but now we’re fucked... everyone is

“63 percent of white women voted for a man ACCUSED of assaulting multiple teenage girls, and who was THOUGHT to have been banned from the Gadsen Mall”

Elite Universities will boost an applicant’s SAT score by 230 points if they are black, 185 points if they are hispanic, and they will REMOVE 40 points from your SAT score if you are Asian. How is that racist?