
Yeah basically. At this point I really don’t give an ounce of a fuck. Fuck Spacey and his ATTEMPTED rape of a 14 year old. If the pattern of abuse hold true like usual then this wasn’t the only time. End his bullshit career.

Correction: Almost raping. Attempted rape. He climbed on top of a 14 year old as a grown man and tried to rape him. Sorry all is forgiven. Continue the show. *rolls eyes*

Ending a show starring a man outed for raping a 14 year old (who didn’t even deny the claims and deflected by coming out) seems pretty fucking reasonable to me. A lot of the allegations against Cosby, Weinstein, Polanski, and Allen are decades old too. We ignoring those as well?

The bar is so fucking low.

YES expose them all! Expose every abuser in Hollywood and never give them a platform again. It’s fucking sick that we all know about this shit and nothing is ever done about it.

And as soon that baby is born they will have no problem attaching dehumanizing labels to it like “anchor baby,” and “illegal,” and “taxpayer burden” and demand that the mother and child be sent back to the country they sought refuge from. Because pro-life.

It was consensual? Consensual?? You’re officers of the law and in a position of great power, she’s a young woman being arrested by you. There’s no fucking consensual.

This week has been scarier and scarier with this shit. Trump speaking with the Family Research Council’s Values Voter Summit was almost completely swept under the rug. This isn’t Trump making vague comments that come off bad. This isn’t even him saying something completely stupid. This is a sitting president speaking

Okay for real everyone should check out Kehinde Wiley’s work. Some of his art was in my town earlier this year and it’s some of the most beautiful art I’ve seen in person. So much creativity and talent, the pictures don’t even do it justice.

Also happened today:

OH it definitely was. Like, let’s be real we knew players would kneel, he knew players would kneel, everyone knew. I was already confident this was a stunt but THEN the press pool came out and said they were told to stay in the media van because Pence would be leaving soon:

Without Planned Parenthood’s help I would have to pay for a very expensive (at least for me) birth control pill due to other health conditions. Before Planned Parenthood set me up I had insurance that covered it almost completely. After I didn’t have that anymore I would have been spending more on my birth control

But now is not the time. We have to wait to talk about guns until it’s “the right time.” I mean, I know we’ve actually had plenty of time since the last major tragedy but then wasn’t the time either. Neither was the time in between that tragedy and this one. It’s just never the time, you know?

Anyone who wasn’t convinced of this after Sandy Hook fucking amazes me.

But it’s about the National Anthem, right? It’s about disrespecting something something something.

My fucking god she actually had to go on the news and say:

I have a white grandparent who is racist and I would never allow my hypothetical children around him. A visit under my supervision, maybe but not alone. I had to hear shit my whole life that completely fucked with my self esteem and contributed to self hatred. They might say they love you but you’re always different

“Why is marriage in retreat among young Americans? Because it is now much easier for men to find sexual satisfaction outside marriage, argues Mark Regnerus”

“I’m not sure how those two things would be combined.”

I’ve already seen Splice and I’m okay on never seeing a scene like that again, thanks.