
Hmm so add this with the fact that they’re putting people in overcrowded conditions with limited supplies (some people are literally being housed outside) and now they’re refusing to vaccinate them despite warnings from medical professionals of the extreme risk of illness. I wonder what is going to happen come the

My 10th birthday party.

Wow you mean the racist white women who actively dehumanizes immigrants of color didn’t have an issues with these “sexist memes” against a bunch of women of color? Shocked. 

Funny how Trump didn’t give a fuck about election integrity in AZ until Sinema pulled ahead of McSally. And what are the chances he completely drops the subject if McSally ends up winning. He’s so fucking transparent it’s fucking PATHETIC that anyone believes him.

I saw an article about Bernie on Fox News last week and the top comment, with 100s and 100s of likes, was someone saying that they don’t think we’re seeing the real Bernie Sanders anymore and Hillary killed him along time ago and all we’re seeing now is old footage of him. So that’s what going on over there...

What? You mean to tell me that this pro-life administration put corporations over the health of young children and babies? 

I live in AZ and have lived in the shadow of Arpaio’s tent city my whole life. Grown men die from heat stroke in there as conditions reach inhumane levels of hot. Temperatures inside these tents reach 130 degrees F in summer. This is beyond, BEYOND cruel.

Right and I own an Xbox One but can’t afford the MONTHLY cost of insurance. Having one or two“luxurious” items isn’t us automatically putting fun before health, it’s that we just cannot keep up with the insurance costs and it’s unrealistic for us to even have it. I can save for a new game or console both which cost

This is how I feel about a lot of major sci-fi/fantasy type entertainment. Can someone NOT be related to someone important for once? It always makes the universe seem so small and unimpressive when everyone is someone or related to someone.

If anyone wants to have a laugh about the song that guy was karaoking check out the behind the scene thing after the episode.

So for real though who has talked to/overheard anyone who actually believes that Trump isn’t the one on that tape?

I live in a red state and you’ll see some pretty disturbing bumper stickers from the pro-life, Christian conservative crowd. This decal was offensive but I have to see aborted fetus images everyday on the back of all the minivans in my area?

I mean, I’m assuming that you don’t have the credentials to determine whether or not her behavior at 7 was “normal.” Child-on-child abuse is very real and since we don’t know the explicit details of that particular incident, it’s guaranteed normal behavior. However I do give the benefit of the doubt in this particular

lol Do you even know what white feminism means?

“White feminist” doesn’t literally mean a white person who calls themselves feminist. lol

I know a few who love Dunham but I def. agree that nobody calls her a feminist harder than herself.

Every time I bring it up I get a billion people telling me she’s not but I’ll say it again: Lena Dunham is an abuser so it’s really no surprise that she’s defending abuse. I don’t know why people insist she’s some “feminist icon.” Literally pick anyone else.

Trump hasn’t admitted he sexually assaults women? I’m pretty sure there’s a video where he actually admits just that. (As well as plenty of other things he’s said that imply the same thing.) So I’m pretty sure Huckabee Sanders’ apologist bullshit is double wrong.

Listen the thing about the government allowing 900+ bodies in Puerto Rico to be cremated without examination is a very big deal. There’s aren’t official guidelines to calculating storm deaths so medical examiners are almost always responsible. Now there’s no real proof whether these people died from the storm/storm

And I corrected myself and should have said attempted about two posts ago so you wanna fuck off now and bitch about something else?