Sick Burner, Bro

He does have more chemistry with Sansa than he does with Dany! Watching him with the latter is like watching someone mash two Barbie dolls together.

I love Naomi, it’s a bummer to see her get sidelined every week. I don’t know if it’s just because her personality is so mellow and she’s not one for drama or what, but I want more of her!

I’ve been a Manila stan since S3 so I probably can’t be objective, but this. bitch. is. brilliant. The minute she did that double take I knew she had won (with Monet), which is probably the fastest I’ve ever seen anyone dominate a challenge. She is such a professional and even if she doesn’t make it all the way, I am

Of course she has no self-awareness, but that’s what makes her great TV. She’s the lovechild of Tammie Brown and Shannel (S1 throwbacks for y’all) and it’s incredibly entertaining. She also couldn’t be more perfectly cast for Angel in RENT, I have no doubt in my mind she’s going to kill it.

That’s exactly what I would do too. I would make SO many enemies!

Thank you! Surprised to see everyone hates her here, I am living for her telenovela realness!

Trinity’s edits are super interesting; I think they tried to make her a villain on S9 and are trying to do it again, but it doesn’t seem to work with her. She comes off too real and says what everyone’s thinking, so we all just end up agreeing with her instead of hating her.

It is my FAVORITE episode of that season. Absolutely hilarious. The amount of time it takes Pearl to get up to the balcony fucking sends me every time.

I have a conspiracy theory that Manila threw it a bit so she wouldn’t have to send Monet home, knowing Monet is really doing better. Not to take anything away from Monique, she killed it and likely still would have won. But we also know Manila’s capable of better than that.

I hear you, but isn’t it kind of a different audience? People who menstruate have been out here trying to normalize it among ourselves for years (see L7 and the tampon), but there is a whole subset of gay men who think vaginas are gross - I see a gay man taking this stand as a positive, since it’ll likely be more

Except that’s not the point at all, and as someone who’s had a period for 18 fucking years I appreciate a cis gay man who acknowledges that they are a natural function of the human body. There’s a ton of misogyny in the gay community and for a gay man to say “no, this is normal, this can be glamorous” instead of “ew,

I would have SO MUCH RESPECT for the writers if they legit killed everyone off and the Night King won. That’s how this shit should end.

I don’t know man, my theater was pretty shook the whole time. There was no laughter.

I am so insanely lucky to have two cats who let me sleep. One sleeps human hours so she never wakes me up, and the other does like to play at night but will kindly keep his activities to the living room at the other end of the house. They are angels (well, sometimes).

I fully admit to watching this when I’m feeling really vicious and need to verbally destroy something incredibly stupid. I’m probably not the only one.

That’s what the Immaculate Conception (December 8th) is all about. Like most Catholic things, it doesn’t make a ton of sense.

Definitely not, 99% of Reddit hates her. I’ve never been a fan either.

Spotted: a Ginger Minj!

S11, I guarantee it. First out is pretty early for an All Star, but they will bring her back.

THIS. Trinity can be 4th and Monet can be 5th.