
You have obviously never been around an elderly person trying to use a computer...


“Think that guys ever gotten laid?”

Sure all the women making your double late at Starbucks today who can’t afford to “strike” today are moved by your activism on their part.

So are these models scabs for crossing the international women’s strike picket line and working today?

The point is the people the teachers are striking for, and not sure what it will accomplish since they aren’t targeting a specific company or industry, are losing the most by the actions of the teachers. What if men went on strike? Are you saying that without men working the economy wouldn’t miss a beat? this is

What about all the people without childcare today who now have to jeopardize their employment to stay at home so the teachers can protest equality in a field dominated by women at all levels? Sounds a bit selfish and privileged of them to do this when so many others depend on them.  

Isn’t this champion of the left saying the exact same thing here, yet no outrage.

Oh for fucks sake...

If you weren’t so blinded by the lefts melt down over Trump and actually heard the whole statement the guy said it was an asset to have a pro-business president.

Well maybe because companies move their plants to non-union states to avoid unionized labor which decreases numbers. Or move plants over seas to avoid unions. Or people are sick of working hard only to see people advance not because of skill but because of how long they have had the job. Or watching people do half

If this was a kid doing this at Obama’s inauguration you would calling for his parents to be locked up for the rest of their lives. Don’t you find it worrisome that a kid this age is setting fires and protesting like this? Kids are taught this kind of stuff? Have a friend who got her 5 and 7 year old so worked up

“and it’s not as if LeBron James isn’t still the best player in the NBA when he turns it on.”

i’m sure these are the only responses you got and not cherry picked to create the most outrage. Journalists would never deceive or lie to us these days would they...

This is the guy who beat Patriots twice in Super Bowls...

Love Trumps Hate