
I selfishly hope Carpenter is sitting on some incredible idea to cap off his directorial career with a final banger and is just waiting for the right time...but, nothing makes me happier than seeing him over these last 15-20 years just use his time to do whatever the fuck he wants. Whether that’s making phenomenal musi

Anyone using a mouse and keyboard in online competitive games against players using a controller is scum. If you want to play M&K competitive shooters, go play on a PC.

It's even worse than the dumbass gorilla AT-ATs.

20 years ago I attended a wedding in Western NY along Lake Erie. I arrived Friday during a lake effect storm that dumped 12" of snow that day.

Rare moment.

I enjoy the show...but Amos is really why I watch

Elizabeth Hurley is so DAMN FINE!

It’s too bad Spaccy somehow ended up being a bigger scumbag than Luthor. 

I am freaking giddy right now. Brandon Routh IS Superman to me. Returns was flawed, sure, but it got Superman right and Routh’s layered performance came at the right time as a depressed 16-year-old dealing with life stuff and got me out of my cynicism. I can’t wait to see him in the suit again. Now, to get him on the

This is...    way too much information.

Nah, Danny boy would at least make sure they get all their money before effectively ending their careers and love of football.

This whole thing is so Lions. No other team would have this happen.

I’m a professional graphic artist/designer by no means whatsoever, but the work tDR did for the Wipeout series was easily the single most impactful and influential on the kind of design work and art direction I love the most, and have spent the better part of the past two and a half decades trying to emulate and live

I liked some of the performances and would still say skip it unless you just have absolutely nothing else to do.

You can keep those 126 minutes of your life. The Moon connection news clip will turn up on YouTube at some point, right?

You are not. Aegon I was dead before Lyanna gave birth to AeJon, but how much time between is debatable.

In fact, Coster-Waldau said, “A lot of things that normally take a season now take one episode.” 

Crazy bald super aggressive military leader in a post-apocalyptic future? Check

She really is.