
MW1 and 2 to this day are the best of the series. I wish they’d go back to simplicity and real world weapons and situations, as opposed to just trying to be Titanfall and Halo. The MW story had great cinematic appeal. The series now, while it has moments, they just don’t compare to me. Of course it’s a matter of

I know Kiefer has been a historically difficult actor to work with, and yeah, maybe his legacy as Jack Bauer has led him to feel entitled... but for Holy Hell HE IS JACK FUCKING BAUER! There can be NO SHOW WITHOUT JACK BAUER. As ridiculous as that show got, I was and will always be a total and complete Jack Bauer

Say what you will, he handled himself as well as a professional possibly could have this season under the circumstances. This blog would have salivated at any hint of his discontent if it transpired this year. He’ll get a second shot, if he can stay healthy, he’ll overcome this. He cares too much not to succeed.

I actually never really had a true appreciation for David Bowie’s music until I watched Hadfield’s video. I‘ve heard the song many times before, but watching it unfold in his video cover, it was just so perfectly done. Now I love that song.

I wasn’t. I was 24 and made my whole department take the afternoon off to watch it, and at the moment the Trade Federation aliens started talking like Charlie Chan, I had sinking feeling the movie would suck. Then Jar Jar happened and it was confirmed. The 2+1 duel with Darth Maul saved some goodwill, but then he dies

Great post Luke. In terms of video game guns, I’d say, the most “fun” I’ve had with a gun in a video game has to go to the Half-Life 2 gravity gun when it get’s overcharged in the last act of the game. Grabbing Combine and flinging them across the map is pure joy. I wish I had that power in every game!

I love the Battlefield series. I don’t know how I feel about Hardline other than I played the demo, thought I’d like it, bought the game and played it one weekend with friends and haven’t played it since. One thing that bugs me about the BF games is the Squad system. I wish there was a matchmaking for Squads plain and

You know what I like about UBISoft shooters, Rainbow Six and GR series all did this, they penalized you for shooting on the move. The aiming pips where wider, and slowly close into the reticule from moving to staying still, so the shooting mechanics felt a little more realistic. Shooting single shot as opposed to full


So, if you install a 360 game on your XB1 hard drive, do you still need the disk to run the game? I’m assuming so but I’d love to jettison all physical media.

The Ghost Recon series in general is something I seem to compare all military shooter’s to. I miss spawn killing people on Boneyard. Spawn killing doesn’t exist anymore. I blame pussification of our social society. SPAWN KILLING MAKES YOUR THUMBS STRONGER. In every game today I kill someone only to get shot in the

Train like you're training for a fight. Wrestling, Boxing, BJJ, Kickboxing, whatever. Be a man, in order to protect the sheep, you have to catch the wolf. Only a wolf can catch a wolf Officer Hoyt!

Dude. Stop. It’s a classic and that is all. I recorded it the year it debuted on HBO on the family Betamax and watched it incessantly until the tape shredded. Pit fighter Conan, Slave raping Conan, Camel Toe Conan, Zartan Battlepainted Conan, Drunk Conan, I love all of Conan. This movie is damn near perfect.

Damn Charlie Murphy's True Hollywood Stories were for real. Pancakes.

Oh yeah, I'm looking for some sailors.

I want to be your friend. My best gaming experiences were playing GR and GR: Island Thunder on the original Xbox. Since then, FPS have come and gone, but I seriously miss that style of gameplay. Having the option of a no respawn mode like Search and Destroy is not enough, it has to be the fabric of the game — or else

Not sure at all why we need this.

Is this actual gameplay, or an animation simulating what gameplay will look like. I can't really tell. There's something about the footage that doesn't strike me as natural video capture. Maybe it's just me.

One of the best video game I've ever played. Might be one of the most enjoyable pieces of fiction I've experienced. It was like playing a really great interactive movie. And the voice acting and overall story holds up against any other cinematic experience.

The single player campaign that spanned from Modern Warfare to MW2 was really engaging for me. I got sucked in on that sniper missions on MW and the crazy Russian invasion of MW2. I do miss that feeling. And some of those maps were just fun to grind on, and I agree there was a sense of balance. Maybe I'm getting old,