Justice Rains From My Butt

I have no love for her, but I don’t like when people do this. It reminds me of people on the right insisting on calling Jon Stewart “Jonathan Liebowitz.” Let people call themselves what they want to call themselves.

i feel like “don’t like having politics thrown in” is the new... i have a black friend. type thing really shitty people say when they really wish people would just stop highlighting how shitty their politics are

Many people are talking about it.

Because as a country we’ve become completely desensitized to mass shootings.

Generally the other side has to be willing to compromise and act in good faith as well for it to work.

The current president ran his entire campaign about how shitty America was.

Ah, once again the Democrats are most concerned about being seen as the “reasonable” party that is willing to work together and compromise. And, once again, the Republicans are going to be able to spin it into a victory and show their supporters that they own those stoopid libruls.

“By the way, she still says she is not proud of America.”

That’s a bad, lukewarm Clintonite take

How many of these small banks have actually filed for bankruptcy, or gone out of business since Dodd-Frank?

I can tell you this much: Conservatives love this shit. They think SHS is some kind of PR genius for essentially telling the “lame stream media” to sit and spin on their uncle’s dick.

He said this in front of a bipartisan group of congressional leaders. Which proves not only that he’s racist, but he is a fucking moron who may be losing what little mind he once had.

The fact that these questions even need to be asked should be indictment enough of how badly our nation’s press is failing us.

He’s had the soul of an angry racist grandpa his entire life. The whole “jumping into a girls track meet race to show boys are faster” thing in high school is who he has always been, and will always be.

Pisses me off this asshole is only 32. What a fucking waste of youth.

Or you could just join all the other people trying to make the Democratic party better?

Every G7 state has socialist aspects to their economy. Our economy is a blend of capitalism and socialism. The jury is certainly out on whether we’d be categorized as “functional,” I concede.

Globalism is our country’s path to Utopia. The earth is becoming one big business with the U.S. set as the executive/management branch, eventually leading to the majority of its citizens not having to work (as long as capitalism is eventually suppressed). Republicans fear change, therefore they cannot see the “long

Not for nothing, but these kook fringe beliefs have a way of showing up in the highest levels of power these days. It’s probably better for people to understand where they’re coming from before it shows up on Fox & Friends or gets amplified by one of Trump’s friends like Alex Jones.

She’s my senator, and this is her game. She’s coasted for a long time as being a moderate, appealing to purple Mainers (who are socially liberal, but have some center-right policy stances. Basically 80s-90s Republicans who would be considered far left psychos today). Since the election, people are paying MUCH more