It’s right there in the very first bit of the Old Testament, man.
It’s right there in the very first bit of the Old Testament, man.
Yea, I think the point of that little anecdote was that her father was the stable one in her life who gave her a normal childhood and her mother was unstable-keeping her up to do odd things like putting Christmas lights on a palm tree at 2am.
Sorry but that part made me a bit sad for Billie. I don’t think the point was “geez, how great was that” but more of a reflection on how a child needs the stability of knowing a parent will come home at the same time every day and help with homework, not keep them up all night to shop at Sharper Image.
This is my philosophy while running, too. Most of the rest of the people on the sidewalk are moseying along like normal pedestrians. I have to take responsibility for picking a clear path for myself. I have to veer off a bit to avoid people almost every time I run, even at 6 a.m., and I have never felt like shoving…
People who jog on sidewalks suck.
“to explore our boundaries, and push them forward”
What white foolishness is this?!
They say they forgive everyone. Um ... thanks? How magnanimous of you....
So what ONE thing did you today? Because you apparently think people can only concern themselves with one thing until it’s resolved.
If having the name removed is a problem for white supremacists, well, I guess we know what their real issue is. Whiny losers.
The West Wing made popular the big lie that politicians are people trying to do the right thing, just like us. Politicians, even if they act nicely in public, are not your friends. They do not have your best interests at heart. They do not subscribe to notions of ethical purity. The two-party system is built as a…
“$225k in the rest of the country. Comfortable, but not rich.”
Maybe she should recommend him to replace McMaster at the NSA, so she won’t be the least competent holder of that post in the last 50 years too!
Miata illegally passes over a double yellow on blind turns and almost causes a head on collision? Maybe that’s what was wrong with it? I dunno though, I’m just a human being with eyes.
Ladies and gentlemen - the art of the deal.
cecilia actually just wrote a post that answers your question! in short: don’t worry so much about winning. the game is fun regardless
I don’t have quite enough faith in the overall public consciousness to relate R’s low ticket sales directly to the Buzzfeed report. Maybe he’s just, you know, not as big of a draw as he was 10 years ago.
Actually, that’s not how the *justice system* works.