Justice Rains From My Butt

They’re all “responsible gun owners” until they aren’t. All it takes is a fit of rage that anyone is susceptible to without extensive training, which is very much not a requirement to own a gun. Even cops don’t get extensive enough training to keep a cool head these days, and yet somehow people think the training for

Forced or coerced sterilization is not just abhorrent, it’s considered a Crime Against Humanity by the International Criminal Court Statute. Which, interestingly enough, the US signed and then almost immediately withdrew from.

Every single one of those chickenshit motherfuckers needs to get up and walk out of the press room and do all of their coverage on the front lawn.

Holy shit, when there was a reddit thread last week about Don Jr.’s hunting of elephants, there were so many people willing to jump to the defense of trophy hunters with the “Yeah but they pay a lot of money and that supports conversation” argument, along with the “It’s necessary to control populations” argument.

Trophy hunters might as well walk around with t-shirts on that say “I have a small penis and must overcompensate.”

USA + baby boomer (bow down to me, mentality in many) + gun + slight inconvenience = gun violence, and oftentimes injuries.

“Responsible Gun Owner”

it’s generally a bad thing to commit violence when you don’t get what you want.

Youre blocking my driveway, so let me destroy the tires, so you cant move from blocking my drive way. Makes sense...

Yeah, I really enjoyed when he candidly further denigrated marginalized people in the United States.

What? He’s not candid at all, he lies about everything. Constantly.

It’s called mainstream media and that does a lot to shape society.

“Ladies and gentlemen, a winner has been chosen for today’s giveaway. And the 1997 Pontiac Astrowagon goes to the fan sitting in seat number 0001...Governor Chris Christie!”

While millions of refugee children/children of immigrants/etc. get ripped away from their parents and/or denied access to a country and healthcare that could *actually* help them. Fuck everything.

Oddly enough, I have police car, video evidence that exonerated my client in 1997 in deepest south Georgia. Twenty years ago rural Georgia had car video. We also made a deal for a first offender probation sentence on a kilo of cocaine whereas a jury of farmers with a Black defendant may have gone the other way. You

Oops, we got caught planting evidence. To make it right, you only have to serve three years in prison.

First of all, lol at your many attempts to make sure the Sanders people don’t flame you. Good luck with that.

Its a well known fact that transgender people sack bathrooms like Vikings. No one is safe when they’re around.

wait... this bills to protect privacy in bathrooms?.... what the fuck is the door for then?

This is what I hate about the argument being put forth. No one in their fucking right mind up to election night ever imagined in their worst-case-scenario that Trump would ever win. You, me, the rest of the voters, and even the Republicans.

People can sit there and say Hillary was a bad candidate, but she beat