Justice Rains From My Butt

Hey everyone, mkbruin wants everyone to know that he puts zero faith in the unanimous consensus from the CIA, FBI, NSA, and ODNI that Russians did in fact interfere with American elections in 2016. It doesn’t matter to mkbruin, ok? Russians are just the bogeyman of the left, no matter what happens. mkbruin ain’t


What do you mean it never came to light? Wikileaks released 22,000 DNC emails UNDISPUTABLY HACKED BY THE RUSSIANS a scant 6 weeks later.

Yeah, between this and the Spider-Man post, I think today is “Fusion Reaching Day” or something. Because we sure are doing a damn good job of trying to find shit to complain about from “our side” rather than taking just one of the plethora of opportunities to do so from the other side.

You are ignoring the century(s) of independent evangelical missionary activity on the continent spreading crazy.

“Jeff and I want the same things for our kids—for them to engage with the world as curious, articulate, critical thinkers; to feel joy, transcendence and wonder at the world; to develop into compassionate, respectful and open-minded people. And we want them to be conversant with faith, rather than seeing it as

“And we want them to be conversant with faith, rather than seeing it as something to be mocked or ridiculed.”

Congratulations. That’s some next-level self denial there. And if we’re talking about jobs in the future, why is it a union’s job to think of the kids future? They can’t even hold their own right now. Mostly because people think the union is holding them back from the riches they so deserve. Instead of putting money

That picture is not a black bear and it shouldn’t bother me but it kinda does.

SMART. Those will never need new tires, ever.

They’re apparently very thrifty. So thrifty they bought a Model X.

I think it was the Pod Save America guys who pointed out that “acting presidential” is something you say about candidates. A way of saying “this person acts in a way that is consistent with what I imagine a President to be”. Like when you are interviewing someone for a job and you try to figure out if they will fit

Lol, it doesn’t have a brain; it’s not suffering, but it is probably posting comments on kinja.

I trust no person who says “it’s just a dog” to justify “getting tired of it and moving on.” A person with that attitude rarely lacks empathy and compassion in only that one area.

You also should not have a dog.

I have weathered a lot of micro-scandals but this one hurts MOST, because of the vulnerability of letting people know Lamby and my story, and because I miss him so damn much. I know I’m a lot of fun to place your issues on, but I won’t let anyone hang their hat on this peg. Not this time.

“It’s just hard to believe the dog was nasty when she took Lamby to every green room with her when Girls was still a thing 4 years ago.”

As stupid as this take is… And it IS pretty fucking stupid… It starts to get at one of the core issues with Democrats. And the ineffectiveness of America’s two party system.

Sorry about that. To provide balanced coverage I will write a “Person From New England Isn’t An Idiot Or Racist” article at some point in the future.

How come women can’t go sleeveless when Paul Ryan is allowed to go spineless?