Justice Rains From My Butt

If they rename the city of Waco after the Gaines maybe the city will finally escape it’s horrible local reputation and nickname of “Whacko.”

What does racism in America have to do with officers shooting people?

Oh that’s right! Because societal commentary about racism in America should be confined to the places that make you comfortable.

The catalyst was that she’s a racist and she saw someone she didn’t consider white. I’m white and am tired of white people’s racism being given the benefit of the doubt because they’re stressed, from a different generation, uneducated, from a community that’s white and thus not used to being around people who aren’t

My racist boss (who claims not to be racist because is wife is Mexican) burned himself on a trip in Hong Kong and tells his “hero story” of how he just wrapped up his hand and flew back to the US before having it looked at. I told him that Hong Kong has an excellent healthcare system and he looked at me like I was a

Completely blind intersection and sirens can be difficult to locate in an urban environment. The house on the left prevented the car from seeing the cop.

As long as the cop said he was afraid then it’s A-OK.

Not to mention these are the same idiots who proclaim periodically that the tax code is way too complex. Gee, how’d it get that way?

Republicans and their goddamn fucking tax credits.

How many times did the other driver get shot afterwards?

If you’re not willing to have a Filipina nurse attend to you in America, you’re running a very big risk of not getting any treatment anywhere. I knew a guy who got evacuated from the Philippines because he refused to let a Filipinx doctor operate on him. By the time he went into surgery in San Francisco he was

Some lives just aren’t worth saving.

Obamacare was passed after 25 days of debate on the floor of the Senate, a debate which saw nearly 600 amendments proposed, and roughly 150 actually added to the bill. Of the amendments added to the bill, 2/3 were proposed by REpublican Senators. From the day ACA was presented to the Senate for review to the final

That’s pretty much got to be the epitome of frank stupidity—you don’t want people who could save your racist, bigoted life to do anything for you....because of the amount of melanin in their skin?! You mean that’s it?! That’s your threshold?? If that’s the case, quit wasting everybody’s fucking time and just stay

I can’t wait until this passes, turns America into the world of Soylent Green, and republicans gain more seats in 2018 and 2020 because health care would be perfect if it weren’t for these meddling liberals and democrats.

“The bubble in and around the Beltway is real, and it takes true effort to look at the world beyond the Northeast Corridor and provide nuanced coverage of the attitudes of and the issues facing rural Americans.

Yeah, the “livable wage” shit probably worked because those who voted for her will never think that she’s talking about them (and for many of them, she wasn’t). It is cartoon super villainy. They are cartoon villains. They are fucking assholes. Every defeat like this makes me hungry for blood.

Trump is an old man suffering the effects of dementia while trying to deal with the overwhelming stress of a job he is grossly unqualified for and secretly never wanted. I don’t think a video was needed for that.

"Speed doesn't kill, stupid people do no speed limits freedom Jeremy Clarkson yada yada bla bla bla"

I'm going to say that a decent percentage of your daytime readers are at work. A lot of us can't or at the very least shouldn't watch videos while at work (and yet some of us are allowed general internet access, but in my case and in the cases of others I know, there are policy restrictions on streaming video or