Justice Rains From My Butt

Only if you’re an idiot playing keeping up with the joneses is that a world where you’re not rich as fuck.

No. 500k is a lot of money, even for NYC. If they want more luxuries, they can leave the city. If they want to stay they can pay the tax. Most New Yorkers make no where near that amount of money.

“Ys. I am a manly man. My masculinity remains intact. Just look how masculine I am. Grrr. Fish. Diving. Manhood. Please continue to “vote” for me” - V. Putin

Pssst.... You are the bad driver!

Vending machines are a dumb way to buy anything. Best Buy vending machines came out fucking 10 years ago and are still dumb in airports. No one uses them. Clothing vending machines are still less useful. My advice is if your local UNIQLO store has a vending machine destroy it immediately because this is a dark

So this is the master negotiator, huh?

Ah, here is Stig to bring up an unrelated news story to distract from the vile GOP efforts. Right on time.

Oh good lord the backflips you’re doing here to defend the worthless bigot.

Lmao, saying this unironically after the right spent 8 years throwing one long hissyfit over everything Obama did.

I bought a bunch of Sims 3 expansions last year for really cheap so I still play that on occasion. I’ll play The Sims 4 when it (and its expansions/DLC) is dirt cheap.

Psst... punching Nazis will always be okay. I’m sorry that makes you uncomfortable.

Have you not seen what frequently happens to black kids who interact with cops?

Desperately looking for a way to blame the kids. You’re trash.

Let’s be honest, turning to a gun to solve minor problems isn’t unique to Florida. It’s an American thing, and is why the rest of the world thinks we’re insane.

This is a good argument for gun control.

Dude, the guy in charge of the Justice Department is roleplaying the confederacy in the federal government as we speak. Slavery is still alive and well in many states where prisons have inmates work for little to no pay.

Yes the controlling population garbage is just people making shit up. These aren’t white-tail deer we’re talking about.

Is it really “breaking from the party” if you’re not really part of the party any more in any way, shape or form?

The Times had a good piece on the Pro Circuit a few weeks ago:

So the GOP wants to bring them here to be used props for a shitty argument against a decent healthcare system. Pieces of garbage.