Someone in ISIS obviously?
Someone in ISIS obviously?
Why would you think this is fake?
Let's convert the moon into BigotLand, where the bigots can go live with a limited supply oxygen. After that, they can survive on the air coming out of their own ass.
Honestly, just buy property. Detroit is already beginning to make a come back, and if you own property there you could make a killing in the future.
She didn't come into this with an axe to grind. She came into this as a gamer who saw how women are treated as characters in games. And have you ever heard a women come on over voice chat on an FPS? Jesus christ. Gamers for the most part HATE women. Its awful.
The way I see it the government is just providing a service the free market can't provide. It happens all the time.
FYI , the presence of asbestos isn't automatically a bad thing.
Breaking: Young children don't recognize old technology! WHO CARES? Find out at 11!
why are there aways people willing to defend these creeps?
I was thinking the same thing. 1600 miles isn't exactly just down the road