
I still love this album. So so good. Though I'd have said FBAM sits quite far down the list of possible "disillusioned with the American Dream" tracks you could have picked from this. White Tooth Man, Wolves, and Peace Beneath the City being personal favourites in this vein.

Just a quick note to say I am genuinely astonished that SyFy has been able to strip enough of the nudity out of this to make it showable, while still having some semblance of a plot. I mean, these guys got to sexposition waaaaaay before GoT.

This just totally reminded me of the bit with the "deadly black panthers". Hehehe…


I definitely remembered the description in the book as being absolutely horrifying - face being reduced to bloody pulp by repeated punching, et al. But, yep, that was still worse.

"Hello. My name is Oberyn Martell. You killed my [everybody]. Prepare to die."

Feathers, Cadillac and Tom Cruise?

No gravy, no pie, or so I hear.

"No gravy, no pie."

"Only your sister", wasn't it?

I started with Dry, and I didn't regret it.

… Bees.


My money remains on this too, presumably after everyone else takes themselves out doing stupidly heroic stuff fighting the supernatural.

You know, I totally hadn't realised this was a riff on Babe til I saw it written down.
Mind. Blown.

Of all the lines in this thing, I always found the "Mr. Fahrenheit" one actually less confusing. It's a pun on his surname, innit?

First 20 minutes of Saving Private Ryan probably deserves an honourable mention. Though god knows the rest of it falls into the Hollywoodism you're highlighting.

I've always wondered who Moey and Shandon were.

In the UK, cutesy labrador puppies have long been used to advertise a certain brand of toilet paper.

That little fox-eared asshole.