
My boss calls his wife mom. Doesn’t think anything of it to make calls to her or receive her calls in our presence (at break meals or in the middle of a meeting), and as he’s a little hard of hearing, speaks loudly calling ‘Mum! Mum! Can you hear me? Mum! Mum!..’. It’s fucking hilarious (we’re all males in our little

Hate about BvS aside (I liked it), I’m glad the saturation of super hero movies has reached this obvious point, and that we’ll start to have what are to come of them, decreasing in attendance and box office earnings and hopefully all go away by 2020. While entertaining for their original source materials and genre,

... and running... a LOT of running

Makes me recall the Maria Doria Russell novel, The Sparrow, and the music portrayed there (no spoiler don’t worry). Shiver...

Heh wasn’t what i had in mind but sure, why not, you can see the potential.

You don’t realize but not every man can pull off a clean shaven look. Many of us look horrible without some face carpet to dampen down the range of Rosie O’Donnell to Liam Neeson looks (admit it, Rosie would look good with a full on scraggy bush on her face). Batman with a beard needs to happen.

Wrong, the correct answer is, you never shave. Ever.

Been there, done it, groom’s family look at me with disgust still 10 years on.

As a straight man, i have no hesitation in agreeing that Jude Law is a beautiful man. He looks as good here as he did in The Talented Mr Ripley with those golden locks. Can’t wait to see this series. With my wife of course.

Life, uh, ...

I agree. I had never really seen most of their other films but after watching a couple of YouTube videos about the animation styles and techniques and how it took more than a year and a half to finish the boat fight scene i kind of went along to watch it for the curiosity about its technical make up. Not more than a

Troll fed.

You’re welcome! 70s TV movies were the shizzle. I was pleasantly surprised to find this on YouTube when i searched for it, so guess what i’m watching tonight.

1 world from a billion billion though.

These goddamned rebels and their goddamned propaganda videos! #TheEmpireDidNothingWrong #RebelScum

Who wants to live forever?

I also loved this episode as a departure from the rest of the series, but also as a standalone love story and the way it was portrayed and acted out by the brilliant cast (there hasn’t been a bad casting of any episode of BM to be fair). I guess i must be getting older now to feel that vulnerability about growing old

No need to be so down/up. It’s just the doomsday machine that aliens buried deep under all that snow and ice and is slowly warming up for eventual release in January right when Trump takes office. In reaction he will give the thumbs up for a nuclear warhead to blow up those damn aliens causing this so called climate

Jesus. The fucking nit picking in here.