
For the lack of love on here for this author, after 4000+ pages, I found I really didn't want it to stop, to move into the warm fuzzy epilogue worth another 1300 pages.

The Thin Red Line made me cry in the theater. My college bros called me a pussy for that for a month. Still does, i don't care.

OMG same as me when Aliens was released and i also illegally downloaded it. I knew somehow that James Cameron was going to win big with Tree D tech.


"Let everything breathe over night"

This is a terrific piece, and one reason why I keep coming back to Deadspin to find an article like this, well penned and pulling on heartstrings.

You don't have anything to apologize for. Thanks for a great article and an insight into your time in the slammer. And the tip to stay away from Virginia.

Obviously it's 'STR1V2 4 GREATN3SS'

The Superman one (Nomura's name isn't tagged to it) looks less crazy but still very FF themed. I have a trip to the US planned soon and am now at this moment, starting to think up a convincing argument or blackmail for my wife to let me have some cash for this.

That's not the point. If that were the case, why should people be offended by racism, they could just simply choose to ignore it right? There is a right way to do things, and very wrong ways to go about creating an environment where people employed (even if paid ten cents a week) are made to feel less than respectable

This is just fucking sad. I hope the Jill's set a movement across the other sporting teams as well. This is just animalistic (well, sure it's a bunch of rules), but worse if that these folks aren't getting paid at the end of the day for putting up with these bullshit rules. Go get them ladies!



damn son, that is mean as hell.

Beautiful, thanks so much for this.

Fun town!

oh man, don't say Reddit too loud...

I have a best friend who is pretends to be number 1 Drunk Dancing Girl, with the goal of getting to the front of the crowd. She does it in her hippie grab and hug, big smile, 'I Love Them, I love YOUUU!!", fake drunk dancing while slowly winding her way up and along rows until she's got her and I right up the front