
This is just fucking sad. I hope the Jill's set a movement across the other sporting teams as well. This is just animalistic (well, sure it's a bunch of rules), but worse if that these folks aren't getting paid at the end of the day for putting up with these bullshit rules. Go get them ladies!



damn son, that is mean as hell.

Beautiful, thanks so much for this.

Fun town!

I have a best friend who is pretends to be number 1 Drunk Dancing Girl, with the goal of getting to the front of the crowd. She does it in her hippie grab and hug, big smile, 'I Love Them, I love YOUUU!!", fake drunk dancing while slowly winding her way up and along rows until she's got her and I right up the front

There's a reason why Thicke's sound is familiar yet you can't quite place your finger on where you'd heard it before. He or his song writers scour almost every poppy and catchy 60s and 70s tv commercial and poppy song to get those catchy hooks and refrains that appear throughout his music. It's probably why Love After

I get the point of the ridicule of us men seeing how fucking assholes members of our sex can be, but the article didn't have to be written in such a snarky way. I still learnt from it sure, but it certainly doesn't help to share empathy for the ladies out there.

I'm not proud of myself, but for a full minute, i was wondering how Kate Upton could make a man question his heterosexuality. I'm not a smart man :-/

i love the 'Pencil' followed by 'Pencils', fucken funny as.

Yeah, Xmas alone gives me the feels, mostly due to just missing hanging out with the rest of the family. This rarely happens though, i make it a point to make it home for the Xmas to New Year week. I love hanging out with my parents the most. As i spent Xmas alone due to work, i was listening to John Mayer's 'Stop

I've just given up, really. After working from one city to another where I've known zero people prior, I've gotten used to the 'man-alone' feel. It takes some getting used to, though i didn't realize the side effect to this was actually preferring it to being around friends or other people. So weekends are spent on

Best explaination about the hate right there.

It's embarassing that i still shed tears at the end of the ROTK. And great article btw, and watching all those extended scenes, the accompanying making of discs indeed shed light on that crazy notion that this really was a last roll of the dice for the studio.

I'm 5'10" and weigh 285 lbs and my Ford Ranger wants me to lose weight.

Nah that looked fine to me watching the vid clip. The slowed down gif does make it seem like he did but his back was fully turned to Jones from way out as the camera pans over the play. He does move his foot into the field but that would be natural if you were suddenly surprised and made to move quicker the other way.

And i'm just sitting here...