
I agree with dude comment above, these folks wouldn't have a choice about their transport mode so try be a little bit more informed with your Darwin Awards comment.

I remember being one of these scrums on train, bus, truck and taxi while backpacking through most of South East Asia and in India and Bangladesh. The experience is an unforgettable one the first few times around, depending on the mode of transport, and you learn a few rules which mostly evolve around you pushing and

Agreed. The crappy economy and the increasing costs of going to the movies these days means any trip out to the movies is going to cost me upwards of $30 that is increasingly biting into my budget for bills and groceries. It absolutely sucks. However it doesn't stop me craving entertainment and so i have amassed a

Finally! A relevant p

I just got off reddit which had on its WTF subreddit real life mashups by some crazy taxidermist. link here

Goddamnit you take that back right this instant!!!

Click here to see Tom's face

Probably like most others, i flip flop between bah, enjoy life and eat what tastes good, then after a while, the body flips to healthy salads, fruits, lean meats if meat at all. Who knows anything about food, really. The info out there can be so contrary to what you believe, the experts you believe, and the choices

Yet more proof Mars was once capable of harboring life / has water somewhere...

Meanwhile, lab assistance Ice Cube and legendary (star?) astronomer Dr. Dre wonder if the Earth's gravitational mass hadn't actually changed since the arrival of this particular NWA from Mercury.

Don't panic, you mean.

I was about to say the same thing. while i guess they might be looking at small trees, it is important to select trees which won't require space for an extensive root system. I would imagine then that a 20 storey building would have effectively 10 levels of small trees with intervening levels being the space to allow

He did it in the movie. He's still doing it in real life.

Tropical cities, esp in SE Asia, when i travel through, I'm always fascinated at how much more gunk comes out my nose when I'm cleaning it via blowing into a napkin or hanky (does anyone say hanky anymore?). In relatively clean air Melbourne, nose gunk is usually green, squishy firm. After a day in which an hour or so

Hard to imagine Zimmer being responsible for the Inception induced BLLARRRRRGM trailer soundtracks these days... then when you think about it more, you realize no one else could have done it. Zimmer is just amazing with ALL his music. Hard to believe the 80s pop junk stuff he played in that pop band back then. Just

the carrot nibbling part made me laugh, thanks :-).

in kind of a connection to Annalee's recent post about being bullied as a kid, I was also bullied and picked on as a small dimunitive kid between 11 and 15 years of age. at that time thanks to my older sisters, i picked up their SF books of the feminist leaning (ok, that's a diff spin to this) e.g. mcafferey, tepper,

It at least looks intriguing, and since this is the first time hearing/reading about a new movie from MNS, kinda comes out of the left field a little bit. Which makes it hilarious to read one of the top comments on youtube saying 'I Am Avatar Legend'. That's worth a lol. It looks pretty visually, and hey its Will

England kinda kicked their asses last weekend (thanks in many parts to another Polynesian playing for England, rather strangely). guess they forgot to take some of it up north with them...

am too scared to scroll down further to see if someone has posted up Dave Chappelle's monkey segment of one of his standup shows...