How did Wolverine's pillow get crossed over to Twilight?
How did Wolverine's pillow get crossed over to Twilight?
As John Mayer once said in his now infamous interview, the best sex one can have is in his/her head, that no real sex can come close to bringing you off as good as your brain/imagination can. While this was in reference to masturbating vs hooking up with women, even this makes sense to those of us (male) geeks with…
oh lawd that 2nd gif...
thanks for the recipe, will try out this Sunday.
The magic is that there's a Carl Sagan in all of us through his work and his inspiration that has evoked the wonder we feel when we look up into that night sky and see the past, present, and future. I will never forget the lightheaded feelings I had when reading his books for the first time, he made me feel like the…
Since I was a kid I've always wondered if anyone had cracked open any of those life sized (I don't know that they are still) statues and find some poor soul decayed to bones in there. I can just imagine someone yelling that him, yeah bud that's the perfect pose, now just hold it while we pour this stuff over you for a…
I dunno, imagining all these cool future alternatives is cool and all, and some are possible to plausible, but I'm always wondering about what our weakest survival point is which is tied to our life expectancies i.e. food. I think then that the looking inward option, in a way that looks at how we can more quickly…
The agent repressed an urge to show a smile. Both to the girl and her off-world seat mates, and at the picture they made sitting there in awkward invasion of each other's personal space. He quickly snapped the picture and filed it away, his nanonics updating his private pictures of his global account.
for Arma 2? That mod is just so kick ass
The only upside is that with American Idol concluded last week, Steve Tyler is now free to compose a theme song for Bruce Willis for this very event. It would not have done to have had Bruce and boys go up without a soundtrack.
Tis hard to trim future multimillion dollar screen play spinoff of the Hangover, called the Birthday Hangover: Tokyo
i don't care either way for the game as its just music, and it doesn't do shit for graphics etc. But i'll take it as my entry theme song when I walk into the office every morning.
just watched that Discovery I shouldn't be alive episode of the guy that drifted in the Atlantic for almost 80 days and who eventually washed up in the Caribbean, imagine if it was a similar case and he was just a starving survivor who mistook the first person he saw as steak with legs walking directly to him?
so long as you head over to Jersey shore after Miami...
I was almost going to wonder about the omission of John Varley's Titan trilogy, but wrong decade.
i read this aloud to my english wife and she shoots back a joke that i just had to share. my being an Aussie/Kiwi the joke goes, NZers and Aussies were fighting over who invented the first condom using sheepskin. ten years later the english perfected the sheepskin condom by taking it out of the sheep.
A friend just told me that to get sugar white, it is washed in hydrochloric acid. Am glad to have left the tea and coffee game behind...
I have been coffee-free for 8 months now. And hopefully counting. As a 5 mugs a day (the kind of mug size that can double as a soup bowl), it was absolutely hard and my friends and family stayed out of my way the first month. Am not sure it has escaped my system entirely but am glad and happy that I have lost the…