
@chucho87: you mean locking in his 4WD?

@mamadragon49: yeah exactly what i was thinking too. I guess its a no big deal to just watch co-workers cars being swept away like that. Unless obviously it was the management car park lol.

This is just a version of Step Up Dino-Style, T-Rex Dawg-Walker beatboxed in the back while his homies B-Steg and Alo-Rawr did wall flips to impress the chicks...

I'd also be freaked thinking crocs might be ambling down with these floodwaters too. Queensland does have crocs I know but how far south is this from their usual range?

@SpammerOvTheGods: Not even if you were Phelps pre-maryjane could you swim against a flash flood like that. Most drowning cases involving floods are from people obviously succumbing to fatigue of struggling against the rushing water and being worn down by the mass of debris in the water. Its said you stand a chance if

Congrats all, the articles all read awesome :-)))))))

u sure?

So I'm guessing the kid's inner reptile snarls the rat... hmm yeah its a meh

@Jeramy Bailey: Same here, and it looks like she doesn't know how to hold a baby either...

Texans... always knew they were pussies

Leave Michael aloooonnnneee!


CNN and FOX need to pay close attention to this new style of reporting... its even got a Facebook page!

Now playing

and there's this sad other result some choose to find funny.

@dong001: It would be considering they didn't use my pick for this very real Captain America (go Pats!).