
holy frak but Agent Dunham looks sahmohking hot in that lead picture...

@8x10: same questions asked until the last para of the article (kinda left late to me), that the cause obviously is the adaptation or slow evolution away from the longer milking period made them vulnerable to rapid environmental changes, but not the actual cause itself (am i the only one that reads it this way?).

aw. here i am hoping for the return of the cannibalism genre.

@Dirk Anger: A hairy notion, but one to scratch the chin with...

@paladjinn: I kind of agree, and game theory does have its usefulness. But you're right, its hard to draw from that the conclusion " What's interesting is that society works because of corruption, not in spite of it." I'm not sure that is at all conclusive because that could be rephrased as working in spite of it not

The only thing i used my brain for with this article is understanding now why its called Axe... maybe

@Platypus Man: I believes i trumps yours and lies perfectly in the warm fuzzy medium

@Link2187: they're mostly automated now, sadly. But yeah, had it been a manually operated one, that would be one hell of a fridge to live in!

thanks but I'll keep my amygdala from being zapped to get over fear of geckos and lizards.

@andromedeia: I signed up for a similar course and on the first day i swear I looked back and this guy that looked like Constantine was sitting behind me giving me the eye. I freaked and never went back. I think it was a sign.

Can i ask a question to Americans on here? How did the building of basements in homes evolve there? I'm thinking its a very American thing with homes, because its not standard practice anywhere else I've lived (NZ, Australia, UK, Germany). Is it a hangover from WWII?

i'm not much of a star wars fan but...

@sicboi: no offense to couch potatoes out there

surprise surprise, that these pilots would show some enhanced traits because of... oh wait.. yeah its because of their jobs. You can't tell me that had they been couch potatoes that they would also exhibit these same levels too. its a function of what they do and how they have trained to be what they are.

@Tamírki: or get high ratings for the first few minutes by slotting it after Neighbours?

My dad took me there when I was a little kid, maybe 9 or 10 years old. He was fascinated with it and later on I would be too reading about it, but I just remember back then the endless dark corridors with intermittent lighting, stalls and shops along the way and just how hot and humid it was in places, and just wet

@Tamírki: yeah, I love ABC's serious shows which for the most part are the documentaries (the rest being as you mentioned, shit). I agree this could work, and it might not with some pretty f'd up consequences. Way to try and combine awkward demographics that probably don't naturally have too many in that shaded part

I'm personally tired of story themes picking on religion to be cool and "controversial" and risque and hip and all that other jazz. It's not new and not all that and frankly is boring. Its not because I'm religious and that it IS tiring for faith to be continually cannon fodder, but I think its also non-inventive when