
The image on the tv is horribly photoshopped. It's angled, but not nearly enough. It makes my eyes hurt just looking at it.

That looks eerily like a hand..

I see no male to female adapter, must I use my own?

Ah yes, one of the first patent trolls. Gotta love Edison's most influential invention.

When your company makes absolutely nothing, absolutely yes.

@Jestermeister: I believe that is where they put their sponges on sticks through as an early sort of toilet paper. It's washed with running water somewhere near/in the toilet (I don't really know) though, so it's not as dirty as one would think.

And guess which OS has had massive inroads recently into an essential monopoly on smartphones? Oh, that's right, the one with free apps.

Macintosh? This looks like a banana!

@LifesSweetDrug: Eww.. iTunes. I juse Rhythmbox, it works perfectly fine for just putting music on an iPod. No virtualization needed.

A bagillion more pixels per inch and the picture they choose is *still* blurry? Dammit, that means I can't brag about how I need to use a microscope to see text clearly.

Mercury is mesmerizing. I couldn't look away from it. It reminds me of a coin in one of those things that rolls the coin around and around and around faster and faster until it falls through the middle..

And that is why we need buffet-less turbines.

Zuckerberg is showing us more and more how freaking childish he is. He keeps acting like a greedy eight year old just because he managed to dumb down social networking to a level most people can handle.

Don't worry though, it has to be wireless or all that data will fill up the tubes. It's not a truck, so we put it on your truck.

I really don't see how a heavily de-oxygenated gulf can be any better than a well oiled one. However, any fish that manage to survive may be slightly more edible unless the dispersants screw us over.

It takes most people 8 minutes to find something to wack off to in private mode? Damn..


Freddy Krueger approves of this product.

AHA! So Christianity was created to sell books! It all makes sense now.

It looks like Frucci liked his Fleshlight a little too much. He still refuses to look at girls unless he can use his own hand.