
why didn't Tupac get a RIP?

Does Varsity Blues not get counted because it's a sports movies as much as a high school movie? or because everyone sucks from it?

best comment for this video. +1

he still got movies a couple of years ago, and isn't he on some CBS show, or was within the last two years?

they drove 900 miles, is that what I heard?

wasn't specifically "online dating" but the "looking into a mirror [online]" worked for me —

two things:

this is not cool.

no they don't, atheists don't worship anything. they just live their lives, some of them are smug assholes, some are gentle, smart, wonderful people, most fall in-between the two.

uh ever hear of the Spanish Inquisition, Salem Witch Trails, the Crusades, the Reformation, the protestants picking up and moving to another continent, the genocide of the Native Americans (I'm including Central and South America too)?

I love my WP7 and I'm bored with my wife's iPhone.


Sam went walking around the projects?

Doc: Pretty Mediocre photographic fakery, they cut off your Rolando's arms.

My wife flipped herself... for the worse.

It seems to be doing it, but mine isn't updating to 7403, it's doing 7392...

This are awesome because of the kitch.

Question for any owners:

Nothing wrong with that, considering the cultural motivations, and they can get sun if they want, there's at least 6 feet of dry sand... but why use short umbrellas?

Maybe it's a local umbrella manufacturer Chivrelot