
Get one anyway.

Would someone who went through a terrible accident, someone with a steel plate in their head an a titanium rod in their forearm be allowed to compete in Karate Chopping and brick breaking competitions? Or a lineman in football having a massive cast on his shattered arm, a big heavy, unbreakable cast.

that is so much mental gymnastics, that it makes your rhetorical question moot.

But according to the article, he prosthetic legs are more efficient than human legs. Maybe in life, but not in racing does the "lack of legs work" out the "balance."

Yes I've watched wrestling... from the bench during the three weeks I practiced with the wrestling team in between sports seasons in high school.

I'm sure "advantage" isn't the best used word, but it definitely seems like he's not competing on the same level as legged runners.

That was pretty much going to be my exact comment. A painless falling asleep is too easy and doesn't punish them enough.

he must have told the other prisoners what he was doing

I agree he looks unshaken, I wonder if he's smug and confident about the charges (ultimately how can they prove he's the originator of anything from the internet?)...

I'm sure you know more than all those people that keep giving Obama credit, like CEO's, and generals, secretary of homeland security, elected officials, they're all stupid and they're mistaken when they say Obama lead, or made some decisions, or made the right choice, what silly idiots... they should listen to you.

what spending have we done under Obama? What new spending is Obama's alone, please let me know.

amazon wouldn't pull out of a big state that like, and income from online sales is a actually a big deal, states lose BILLIONS in sales tax revenue when people shop online.

so the good stuff that happened is because of GOP congress, but anything bad, that's Obama's fault? why do you shift blame/credit around?

actually the 250k mark is the bracket under the Bush tax, which is why it's the figure everyone has focused on, all the talking from Dems has been millionaires, literally, people making a million dollars or more, sometimes half a mil. If we let the Bush taxes expire, we gain 4 trillion in income over 10 years, so

so you're saying JFK lead because he gave a speech? Isn't that the main Obama complaint? he's too full of speeches? Which type of speech is acceptable? Obama's already given a few speeches on this, and he's pointed out the compromises that were arranged and talked about before GOP walked away from negotiations,

the equivalence being placed on both parties is misplaced. It's not because "it's the other teams." It's because the GOP doesn't want any new revenue, the (radical) GOP want to break gov't as much as possible so they can rebuild it in their small gov't utopian ideal. Dem's opposes it because the GOP plans are bad

So since your family is "america" I take it there is less than 2% interest on the credit card and minimum payment must be a couple hundred bucks, which we could swing, right, considering there's plenty of other credit card offers coming in the mail...

yea, cc is right, and you sound like a fool with the things you said.

uh, I won't.

he just had to go the extra bad ass mile and use a butter knife? he couldn't go inside and grab a sharp chef's knife?