
Also in "Why Not?"

+1 for the Elton John reference.

if my comment of this cute kitty gets enough stars it will be higher ranked than their article ;-)

It is really illogical to apply the results observed in a study on men ... to women.

I hope someone else does a similar study on women.

Yeah, but in two months we'll have this:

Anything that brings someone happiness, by definition, cannot be unhealthy. I bet the gains people get from lowered stress level more than offset the heart attack risk—-Julia Child lived to 92 on rich French food, after all.

You're probably thinking StarTrek, which isn't where my name comes from. It refers to this type of Trek:

The part of his logic that I think is the absolute worst is that if you are a internet personality, you have to live with the risk of being swatted. It's like saying you have a safe full of money, so you should expect someone to try and rob you.

All swatters should be charged with attempted murder.

My great-grandmother is 108! Same, her husband died in the 70s and she never remarried. She bred dogs and played cards and lived alone til she was 100. She used to have a beer every day with her lunch. She is fabulous.

When I was in college I learned that men live longer and healthier lives when married, but women live longer healthier lives when single. Studies and shit were done. It's science! Do what you will with this information, I'm single for life.

My grandmother is 103 years old, born in 1911. She was married to my grandfather at the age of 19, they had five children and were happily married until he died 46 years later. She had several suitors after his death but refused to get married again because "they all want me to cook every day and I'm done with

It is almost never an option. Publically releasing the names of winners is an anti-fraud measure.

One of my cousins won the lottery in my state. Not as big, but two million or something like that. We were at a family party, just talking, and a friend of hers said, "Did you tell them?!? Dude, she won the lottery!" I could see she was embarrassed, so as soon as I congratulated her, I told her that I completely

At my last job, a notice was taped on the office fridge letting people know that every Friday the fridge would be cleaned out, and any dishes left after 7 pm would be tossed, regardless of how nice or expensive they looked. People bitched, but they did get their shit out by the deadline. It sucks when grown adults

I'm imagining this same story, but without that union (the outcome isn't as good.)

I work in small office and I'm the only woman. EVERY TIME we have meetings with consultants someone will ask me "Do you know how to work the coffee machine?" while we're all settling into the conference room. What they mean is "Will you make us some coffee?"

I've had 6 jobs since starting law school in 2006, and at every single workplace, this has been true, though I hadn't really ever thought about it until reading this.

I can cite so many examples of this, but my favorite was the male attorney who asks me to fix the copy machine when it jams. It took me years to finally come up with the proper response, "Ray, I went to the same law school as you, and they still don't offer any office equipment repair classes."