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There are fewer things that give you independence than knowing how to make something that help keep you alive and healthy.

Kelly Sheehan, you win the prize.

He's a dad. He has eyes in the back of his head.

My dog got attacked by an off-leash dog while we were all hiking in the same park. :-/

I think there's enough "pregnancy is great and motherhood is the only thing that makes your life truly worthwhile" to even out the score.

Do you know how a wheel of brie sounds? So good.

When X in your equation seems to equal: Are child-free women really just unloveable uggos, it comes across as just a little offensive.

Girls don't always wash their hair every time they take a shower.

Your questions seem to be coming from a presupposed basis of "all women really do want children," which makes them flawed (and a little bit offensive) from the outset. Those of us who don't want children are constantly questioned, doubted, and talked down to regarding this desire (or lack thereof). The implication

That blows my mind, too. I purposely look for guys WITH cats, haha.

So can we finally lay to rest the lie that thin women have the privilege of walking around in public without getting negative comments on their appearance? Good. Because I'm almost as tired of hearing that bullshit as I am of hearing that I must be anorexic.

The only thing I like is his suit.

In all seriousness (and if you don't take dried pasta seriously, WHO ARE YOU!?!?!) if you aren't eating DeCecco, you are doing it wrong. Yes it costs more, but it is sooooo soooo worth it. God I hope they aren't bizarrely concerned with their consumers sexual preference.

Uhg, I hate it when child actors grow up to be charming and lovely and talented and well behaved. Total Hollywood cliche.

Albert Burneko recommended your post

Is that a BATMAN BEYOND gif and if so, please marry me forthwith.

Eat them. Isn't the issue with giving money to the company? You've already done that so wasting food will hurt no one but yourself.

Yeah, but medically/scientifically speaking, you aren't pregnant until the embryo implants in the uterine wall. So from the perspective of Medical Reality, it doesn't cause abortions anyway.

Ender's Game