
Oh, do tell—People were just starting to be outraged by blackface in the 90s? Which people? Who told you that? Because I was Black before the 90s and blackface was always horrible. A few white people may have finally started to agree in the 90s...

Nah, cuz some of we are black and never thought it was funny.

Dad and I have had several long conversations about that and both agree it was shameful and a terrible choice that there is no excuse for.

Nag Champa is the bomb! I buy it by the ton.

Right? Maybe you can’t cum or something, but nothing is stopping you from being a gross fuck and playing with your squishy little peen. And considering that these types of predators get the most pleasure from making their victims scared and uncomfortable and to wield their power in order to render them helpless to do


Yeah, but Paul Newman was famous for being insanely handsome. Like, this eyes, that brow, that m....okay I am getting off topic here. I’m gonna go watch Butch Cassidy again...

It was Paul Newman, who was a higher being. Understandable and kudos on your good taste

Yeah, he looks hella rough, doesn’t he?

Am I the only one curious about the “dangerous to people’s health” phrasing? “people’s” instead of “your” or “one’s” is strange phrasing for a government release.

I just went to look up the link for it on reddit (it’s the #1 most upvoted post in the /r/Documentaries subreddit) AND WHAT DO YOU KNOW the first comment there is about Victor Salva:

My parents which is too bad because they’re fine people.

Is your mother Beatrice Sugarman? Just make sure you make your own coffee.

Yup! My coworker!

Oh, I am too familiar with this at the moment: My prior department lead has one of the most toxic personalities I’ve ever encountered. She is always in the most sour mood, and if you did anything but commiserate alongside her she would act as if your upbeat personality was the distraction and not her relentlessly 

You have to unlearn putting so much value on the physical. Beauty doesn’t last. If given the choice, I would much rather have someone say I am kind or generous or dependable than that I am beautiful. Beautiful things are nice to look at, but beauty itself does nothing to improve the world or enrich your life or the

My mother is visiting me and my self esteem is tanking since she feels the need to constantly compare herself to me to make herself feel better.

Lovely. Grow Meyer lemon in your bedroom or kitchen and you can do the whole thing from scratch. [Perhaps even keep bees on the rooftop or garden if you want to go hardcore.]

Right? Assuming for some brain-dead reason I agreed to do sex, I would make damn sure there would be no conception. First of all, who wants a kid with the genes of one of these slimeballs? And also, I would know for sure no real help would be forthcoming. Ugh all around.

The stories are connected, in a small way.