It’s summertime! And you know what that means? New anime—47 of them to be exact. But with so many anime, how do you…
It’s summertime! And you know what that means? New anime—47 of them to be exact. But with so many anime, how do you…
If you stare down at the semicolon key in fear, unsure of what power might be released if you press it, never fear.…
Right now, there’s a federal manhunt for the man who burned a Baltimore CVS. After two months of prolonged public…
A local news station is reporting that three female pastors of African Methodist Episcopal churches in Clarendon…
wow Anna why is gawker so biased in favor of facts and science and medical research
California Governor Jerry Brown has signed SB 277 into law, which will require the vast majority of children to be…
Reality has a well-known pro-vaccine bias. It’s disgusting; reality should really be willing to hear both sides on this issue.
Biased in favor of... facts?
I know this is first and foremost a public health threat but I wish more attention was paid to the fact that buying into the autism-connection myth demonstrates a profound hatred of autistic people. It’s one thing to say, no, that’s bullshit, but people who spread it should also be confronted with the fact that they…
I think the reason why Jez posted this travesty is because the author isn’t white. Kind of like a few weeks ago when Jia broke her secret identity when she wrote that splendid article by saying something to the effect of “what if the author isn’t white”.
As someone who was born there, yeah, this really struck me as an oddly condescending story. I mean, yeah, the dude she was dating sounds like a real dick and I get that she was 21 and had probably not researched a lot of stuff about the country before going to the most rural part of India (I would love to know why she…
Of course, he ALREADY has a story ready for his wife about “this crazy ex who won’t let go”.
I go to reddit/relationships on occasion because I’m a terrible person, and there are a surprising number of stories like this. As in, “I’ve had 20 people tell me he’s having an affair, I saw pictures of him proposing to another woman, and I physically walked in on him having sex - is he cheating on me?”
I’d contact his wife... She kind of deserves to know that he’s been cheating on her, at least emotionally, with this other woman. Just what the FUCK.
The media sets it up, I feel now. Ever since Jayson Blair, you started seeing more diversity on news channel (from like one token to maybe two) but they’re constantly put in these positions where they’re expected to lower their aims and ambition. Shep Smith or Tucker Carlson can be as ignorant and dumb as fuck but…
Don Lemon and Ron Burgundy...
Last night, CNN host Don Lemon succeeded in doing what he sets out to do every night, garnering attention for the…