Then once one you give one of them a chance, they will kindly suggest the benefits of breast implants. Don't worry your ass is perfect though. But the makeup? less is more amrite?
Then once one you give one of them a chance, they will kindly suggest the benefits of breast implants. Don't worry your ass is perfect though. But the makeup? less is more amrite?
thanks cassiebearRawR. I just refer to mine as down there, you know... keeping it mysterious.
Are you me? Seriously though, most people don't believe me until they see me struggle up two flights of stairs. I'm working on it though, I'm a broke student with a direct debit gym membership. That money needs to count towards something.
Please tell me this monster is in prison. Please. Its so disturbing how comfortable he was with telling you that.
You just equated an entire continents culture to one country's. Oh trust me, they definitely intended it to mimic stereo typical "Tribal" wear. It's nitpicking and blending over. To them we are all the same, we are a single unit. It's malignant. Africa's one of the most diverse places on earth, to reduce us to that...…
Well, a number of POC character have been removed in the show. But honestly, they do have a better track record than other counter parts. In the later books lots of POC, even in central roles. But the gimmick by HBO is fucking tone deaf.
Wonderful! it's a hit here in the UK.
Nothing compares to the ultimate, the white washing of white washing. White Catholic Jesus. In ur hearts 4evr. When will Budda?
What's interesting is how this image manifests itself into our psyche. You see, when this image is shown to a young Native person, they report feeling lower self esteem and depressed about what they are able to become or likely to become. Shockingly, when shown to the white counterpart, their self esteem is…
THANK YOU for slicing to the core of this issue. As always this argument is for white people by white people. Poc might as well be magical unicorns. I need this gif to haunt him for the rest of his pathetic life.
Hey Lupita, Utah did it FIRST!!1! In all seriousness I cannot even begin to explain the profound (yes profound) impact this woman has had on me. She has changed the way I look at myself and lessened those moments of doubt of anyone ever finding me attractive. In my family we were never taught darker was worse but my…
On second thought, Timon might be up for it.
Isolated... funny, you must lack melanin.