
Sounds like something my anime club will bond over hate watching. Disappointed to hear that though.

Gawd lol. Fillers important cause they stay behind the manga writers schedule.

Really? Huh, I abandoned the anime for the manga because its easier for me.

Sword Art Online. There's only so much epic soundtracks can do for terrible characters, bullshit pacing and Onii-chan tropes.

AHH currently watching this now. Is the ending horrible?

WHAT?! lol I should be grateful I'm there's someone else who knows it. Thanks animax.

I swear for a second that TD went all supernatural on me at that moment and I was all 'huh'. It would have been super dumb but at least I have a new background for a while.

Thought it looked like Rust's hallucination. Kinda.

Are you me? Seriously though, most people don't believe me until they see me struggle up two flights of stairs. I'm working on it though, I'm a broke student with a direct debit gym membership. That money needs to count towards something.

Please tell me this monster is in prison. Please. Its so disturbing how comfortable he was with telling you that.

You just equated an entire continents culture to one country's. Oh trust me, they definitely intended it to mimic stereo typical "Tribal" wear. It's nitpicking and blending over. To them we are all the same, we are a single unit. It's malignant. Africa's one of the most diverse places on earth, to reduce us to that...

Well, a number of POC character have been removed in the show. But honestly, they do have a better track record than other counter parts. In the later books lots of POC, even in central roles. But the gimmick by HBO is fucking tone deaf.


Name: Cast of Puella Magica Madoka.

Wonderful! it's a hit here in the UK.

What can I say? I spent a good portion of my life in libraries.

As a fan of witchblade... you are so fucking right. Still like it though. Yes Melon fanservice, but at this point I'm numb to it.

Nothing compares to the ultimate, the white washing of white washing. White Catholic Jesus. In ur hearts 4evr. When will Budda?

What's interesting is how this image manifests itself into our psyche. You see, when this image is shown to a young Native person, they report feeling lower self esteem and depressed about what they are able to become or likely to become. Shockingly, when shown to the white counterpart, their self esteem is